27. Supergirl

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"I am not a girl. I am a storm with skin."

"Hello, criminals!"

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"Hello, criminals!"

My enthusiasm was short-lived as I found the ground floor completely empty. Bummer. I really wanted to make an impressive entrance, but oh well.

The elevator doors gaped wide open, a red light flickering, informing me that they weren't an option. My gaze cast over the staircase and I broke into a sprint, trying to keep my movements stealthy.

Not a soul was in sight. My heart was beating erratically in my rib cage as I approached the third floor where Cardiothoracic surgery was.

Pressing my back to the wall, I took a small peek down the corridor. It was deserted, but I could clearly hear muffled voices behind the doors. I ducked down and tried to tiptoe my way to the inside doors. Luckily they were left slightly ajar. It was enough for me to steal a glance at what was happening inside.

I quickly figured these men were amateurs by the fact that they hadn't left anyone outside to guard the premises. I remained quiet, taking in the whole scenery.

Patients and nurses were on the floor, holding their heads. Some of the doctors were standing up straight, holding their arms up in defeat. I instantly spotted Taehyung standing in the middle of it all, his face eerily stoic.

"You don't have to do this, Sunwoo." I heard Taehyung's deep controlled voice tumble out. My gaze traveled to the armed men on the other side of the hallway, and I wondered what was the point of wearing masks if Taehyung easily recognized them.

"Shut up!" one of the men roared, holding his gun up straight. "Shut your fucking mouths, cunts! It's because of you that my wife is dead! Liars! Bastards!"

A small wince passed through Taehyung's ashen face. His head hung low as he stared down at the floor.

"Sunwoo, your wife was suffering from a terminal illness. There was nothing we could to about it..."

"I SAID SHUT UP!" the man whose name was apparently Sunwoo thundered. "It's your fault that my family is broken!" his hand clasped tighter around the gun, trying to conceal his shaking.

"I know it's devastating losing a loved one," Taehyung negotiated, a pleading tone to his voice. My stomach turned upside down as I realized how brave it was of him to keep talking to his lunatic and try to reason with him. "But please think this through, Sunwoo. If you really go through with this you'll end up in prison and your son would lose both of his parents. Do you really want that? Do you want your son to be an orphan?"

A visible shudder ran through Sunwoo's body as he took a step back. He was one hair away from caving in and Taehyung's eyes glistened as he took the opportunity.

"The police have the building surrounded," he went on. "Lower the gun and just surrender yourself."

I held my breath, observing silently as Taehyung slowly but steadily was talking Sunwoo out of it.

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