37. It Was You

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"It's you. In a thousand of lifetimes, in a hundred of ways, it's you. It'll always be you."


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"Hello." Lucifer leaned in over the desk, a slim blonde police officer with her hair tied up in an incredibly tight bun sitting behind it.

"No." she cut him off harshly, her eyes glued to the laptop in front of her.

Unbothered, he started playing with the hem of his sleeves.

"I believe you can do something for me." he went on charmingly as ever.

"What'd I tell ya buddy, not now!" she snapped abruptly, her obtrusively arched eyebrows shooting even higher on her forehead as she threw him an angry glare. She then assumed a totally different expression, one of bewilderment and enchantment. "Oh. Oh," she gasped. "Hello."

My father smirked, a gesture that was capable of leaving one completely spellbound.

"Hello to you." he purred seductively.

The police officer – Karen, as her badge said – batted her eyelashes at him, her hand darting to play with a strand of her hair. The sight would be endearing if it weren't so ridiculous how ready she was to melt into a puddle under his gaze.

"What- what can I do for you?"

"I need to speak to, uh –" my father frowned a bit as if the name was eluding him. "Oh, yes. Dr. Kim Taehyung, I believe that was his name."

Karen's grin faltered as she twirled her pen around her fingers.

"Dr. Kim Taehyung? Oh, I'm so sorry... I'm fairly certain that's- that's impossible." She stuttered, fallen victim to Lucifer's sultry gaze.

"Is it?" he inched closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "Is it really that impossible, Karen?"

Karen's pink infused cheeks dimpled with a blossoming smile. She lowered her voice.

"I... I guess we can make an exception."

"Oh yes, yes, you can, Karen."

"I mean... if it's only for a little while."

"Yes, of course, Karen, for a little, tiny, teensy while."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt anyone."

"No, no, Karen, it definitely wouldn't." Lucifer shook his head as if the idea were preposterous.

She sighed deeply and glanced down before looking back at him, biting her lips. Her head had gone hazy, you could see it in her eyes; she was already undressing him in her mind.

"So?" Lucifer queried, his voice sweet and silken enough to melt even the hardest hearted man. "Are you going to do this for me, Karen?"

"Yes, yes," she nodded rapidly, motioning towards the interrogation room. "He's right over there, behind that door. But you need to be quick before the other detectives get back."

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