Chapter 6

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Images began rapidly flashing through my mind. The first one was a word on the stone glowing as I touched it, the second of us placing the cup in the gap, then pouring a liquid into a hole in the wall and placing the sword. The next 2 images were a blur but the one after that showed the vault opening and before I could process what I just saw, I sat up in bed completely out of breath and in shock.

"Clary, its okay. I'm here. Just a nightmare."

"Jace, it wasn't a nightmare. It was a vision."

"What did you see?"

"I stroked the gap shaped like the cup and it glowed, there was some writing there. Then we placed the cup in the gap and poured what looked like water into a pan which appeared from the wall. Everything was quick but I remember placing the sword, then there were 2 very blurred images before the vault opened."

"Oh-k" Jace said hesitantly.

"Jace, I know what to do, we have to go down there." I said, slipping out of the covers and tugging his hand.

"Clary, its 2am." He moaned in a very croaky but cute voice.

"Well I'll just have to go by myself, what's the worst that could happen." I said teasingly walking out. I heard him whisper yell the word wait before trailing after me with his extremely hot bedhead.

"Put this on first." he threw me a white dressing gown.

"Nobody's going to see me!" I whisper yelled.

"I don't care, and aren't you cold?" he asked, shivering in his shorts and t-shirt.

"Jace, you need it more than me." I said, slipping it on him whilst we were in the elevator.

"Yeah and you need to cover up." he said, signalling my black shorts and tank top.

"Really, is that what your thinking about right now?" 

"I'm always thinking about you." he said flirtatiously. The elevator doors opened to show a dark figure standing by the wall, Jace was quick to pick up his sword.

"Who are you?" he said, pushing me behind me.

"Jace?" Alec's voice sounded.

"Alec?" Jace's voice cracked.

"I couldn't sleep."

"Neither could I," I said as we walked up to him.

"Well I could," Jace growled, placing the sword back.

"I'll make it up to you."

"Ooh that sounds good." He said in a more awake tone.

"Alec, I had a vision, I know how to open the vault but I need the mortal cup." He disappeared back into the elevator and I traced my fingers along the cup-sized whole in the wall. All of a sudden, a word carved in that hole began to glow. It said "Unus"

"That means one in Latin" Jace said. I did the same for the sword shaped whole which said "Tribus"

"Three" Jace replied. The circular whole was "Quattuor," which I found out meant four.

"Where's two?" Jace said.

"I don't know?" I replied, very confused.

"Try this." Alec walked up to us with the mortal cup glowing more and more as he walked up to us.

"Why is it glowing?" I asked

"It must be the wall, do it." Carefully I took it and slid it into the gap in the wall, a golden light could be seen through the wall before a small tray moved out of the wall.

"What is it?" Jace asked

"Just a tray, in the vision it showed us pouring water in there, but that can't be right." I replied

"Well, we'll come back in the morning, get to bed you two. I'll bring Izzy and Magnus too. 9am sharp." Alec yawned. We followed him back up to the living quarters and said goodnight to him before disappearing into Jace's room. I was walking towards the bed when a strong tug pulled me against a wall, Jace leaned against me and was so close to me, his breath was fanning my face.

"So, you'll make it up to me huh?" He said, eyes glowing that dangerous golden colour.

"Jace, you're too tired." I remarked before attempting to push him off of me.

"I'm everything but tired," He smirked.

"Not tonight, please." I asked, kissing him softly.

"Fine." He said as we laid down in bed, his arm immediately going around me, making me feel safe and calm.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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