Chapter 16

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We were all sat on Clary and Jace's bed as he sat on the floor with Magnus to use the bond to find her. I was so angry with myself for losing her. After an entire year, she was back with us and now she's gone again. I sat at the foot of the bed, Simon on one side and Alec on my other. 

"Jace, focus all your energy on her," Magnus spoke out. They were sat opposite each other on the floor.

"He does that anyways," Simon chuckled, we all gave him a warning look. "Just trying to lighten the mood," he added. Jace lost focus, his eyes glowing that dangerous gold colour as he glared at Simon, making him fall silent.

"Jace, keep your emotions under control. That's the only way you'll find her." Luke said, standing by the bed. Jace immediately took a deep breath in and shut his eyes.

"You have to search for her, let the bond lead you to her," Magnus coached him through it all. The soul-mate rune began to glow a blinding light as I flicked through a book about how to use this rune that the Silent Brothers gave us.

"I-I don't see her. I can usually just find her but its not working." He said, getting frustrated.

"You're doing it wrong," I interrupted after skimming through a page. "You need to hold something in your hand which will be apart of both your futures."

"That's not possible?" Alec said reading over the page himself.

"I know what I can use," Jace reached into the pocket of his coat and pulled out a royal blue velvet box. I began tearing up as I saw the sight of him holding the ring box. He clutched it tightly in his hands, almost praying for her to be back with us. His eyes creased up from being shut so tight as the rune began to glow brighter and brighter. Then it stopped.

"Did you find her?" I asked, worried. His eyes stayed shut and when they finally opened, they still had that dangerous glow on them. He said one word which was enough to make the hairs on my body stand up.



"Clary, it's so nice to have you back sister." I watched as he emerged from the shadows, staring right into my eyes. His were dark, nothing but darkness.

"H-how are you back?" I stuttered, realising that I wasn't really a hero.

"Well, life isn't exactly what you think it is." he paused and the smirk on his face disappeared, "You betrayed me Clary." His eyes grew somehow darker.

"I was saving the world from a monster," I bluntly said, standing my ground. What even was fear at that point? I'd faced Lillith, a greater demon many times, I'd seen her posses Jace and seen my dead psycho father come back to life. In a world like this, you become immune to fear. Numb.

"Monster? Really?" 

"Yes." he walked back through the shadows and I heard the door click shut. I sat down on the damp concrete floor, my head in my hands as I controlled my breathing and thought about what had just happened. It can't be him. I killed him. Somebody was seriously messing with us and I was gonna find out. The only way I could've found out who they were was by first figuring out what they were after. 

"Jonathan!" I screamed, my voice cracking making it sound more like a shriek. He walked in minutes later with an unimpressed stare.


"Why am I here?" I demanded, my runes tingling as I was filled with an overwhelming wave of anger which left that wild glow in my eyes. Jace.

"I need you to help me find the superior mortal instrument which is hidden in the vault under the institute. If anyone can open that thing, it's you." He picked at his nails whilst just blurting out this information that only a handful of people knew about.

"How do you know this?" I growled at him.

"A little bird came and told me," he casually stated.

"I need you to open it up, if not your so-called soulmate and fake family will be the dirt under my feet. I mean it's not that hard for me to walk into the institute." he said, standing back and with a click of his fingers, the layer of Jonathan crumbled off to reveal his true identity. 



"That's not possible," I said in shock.

"By the angel,"

"Well that's what I saw, I know where she is.  I'm gonna bring her back." He said standing up and placing his seraph blade and dagger in his pocket.

"You can't go on your own," Izzy sat up, getting her gear on and waiting for me.

"We'll all go, I doubt it'll be that easy to get her," Luke added.

"It will for me," Jace said pulling on his jacket and placing the ring box back in a zipped pocket. Magnus wasn't hesitant to create a portal for us so we all stepped through. Simon was about to step through but Jace pushed him back, "We don't need your help," he stumbled back in shock as I too stepped through, leaving him behind. As much as I was still attracted to him and knew that I could love him, we were too different. Simon was a vampire and my past with vampire venom was something I didn't want to go back to. So to protect myself and our friendship, I knew that it had to end between us.

Thankyou all for the amazing amount of support! I love you all so much. Writing has been clashing with my personal life but every vote and comment motivates me to keep writing. I'm also re-watching the show to refresh my memory and gather more ideas for the storyline. Keep voting, reading and commenting my loves!

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