Chapter 8

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I swung the cabin door and ran in with Jace barricading the door behind us. With no time to catch my breath, I closed all the shutters of the cabin and made sure the back door was locked shut so we were safe and put the sword down on the table. 

"That was close." I sighed, flopping on the bed.

"Too close. Somebody followed us the whole way, this could mean that the sword still has a lot of value." he said starting up the fireplace and taking his top and jeans off for them to dry up. 

"You must be freezing." I said, hugging him from behind whilst wrapping my blanket around him. Jace chuckled as I slid out from under the blanket so I could go look at some of the books we didn't grab the last time we were there. Before I could grab the bright red book on the shelf which was calling tome, a projection of Magnus appeared in the room.

"Biscuit? Jace? Where are you guys?" he asked, panicked.

"We're in the cabin that valentine used to take me to. Anyways what happened to you?" Jace asked.

"Sorry, Alec and I had to visit the silent brothers, well I had to wait outside and the ring was in my pocket. What happened?" 

"We got the sword and it's here with us now, but somebody's been following us. We figured it wasn't safe to wait out in the open so we came back here. Magnus, its not safe here so create a portal." I said, wary that Jace was going to soon have hallucinations.

"Clary wait." Alec appeared by Magnus.

"I just spoke to brother Jeremiah, he told me that the vault needs all the mortal instruments to be opened, so the liquid you saw being poured into that pan must have been the water from Lake Lynn. You guys are already there so bring back some of the water and then Magnus will send a portal for you." Before I could tell him about Jace, the projection disappeared.

"Right, so lets go get the water." Jace said, pulling on his clothes.

"No! Jace you have to stay here." I pleaded, seeing that the lake water was already affecting him.

"Why? We can't split up." 

"You drank some of the lake water. You're going to have hallucinations so its safer you stay in the cabin, but not by yourself. Call Magnus."I said, taking control of the situation.

"Biscuit? Is everything okay?"

"Magnus, I need you to portal somebody here. It's an emergency." I demanded, not wanting to be questioned, I hated being in Idris. It gave off very bad energy.

"Simon's here, I'll send him now. Be careful." He said before vanishing once again. Within seconds, Simon appeared in the cabin looking very concerned.

"Clary! Jace!" He said hugging us and checking if we're okay.

"Simon, no time. I need to go get some water from the lake, stay with Jace." I said as he handed a bottle from the institute to me.

"Wait, so I'm on babysitting duty?" he asked, surprised.

"Jace swallowed some of the water when he was grabbing the sword. He'll have hallucinations, stay with him and when they start to kick in just use his stele to activate this rune." I pointed at his iratze rune while picking up Jace's sword. I dropped my stupid fanny pack whilst running to the cabin.

"Alright. Be careful fray." He said as I kissed Jace's head and opened the cabin door. The water was beginning to affect him, he was very quiet as he laid on the bed aimlessly.

"Do NOT let him leave this cabin." I said before shutting the door behind me and making my way towards the Lake. It hadn't even been a couple minutes before I began hearing the same rustling behind me so I picked up the pace to a quick jog. As predicted, the rustling became louder but was still at a distance, whoever this was they were trying to watch what we were doing in Idris. The Lake is about 10 minutes away from the cabin if I run so I gained some speed whilst holding Jace's seraph blade. I was on high alert as I ran, knowing very well I was being followed and I also tried looking for that damn fanny pack I dropped whilst running. After what felt like ten years of running, I came to the edge of the lake so I wasted no time in collecting some of the water in that bottle before sprinting back to the cabin. The clouds grew darker and thicker, alerting me that there was a storm on its way so I ran as fast as I could but it still took me over 10 minutes to get back. Realising I'd been gone for over 20 minutes, I prayed that Simon had Jace under control.

I walked in to the cabin to see Simon holding him by the shoulders.

"You killed Clary!" Jace yelled before swinging at Simon, throwing him onto the floor.

"Jace! I'm right here. Jace look at me." I pleaded whilst searching his pockets for his stele.

"Where's your stele!?" I shouted, panicking. Simon sat up holding his nose as blood ran down his hand. 

"I couldn't find it." He said.

"It must have fallen out in the river." I sighed, trying to think of what to do. Jace tried pushing me away but I pushed him back onto the bed. He tried sitting up but I sat on top of him so I could keep him still and think of what to do without him trying to attack me.

"Jace, it's me. It's Clary." I searched in his eyes for him, but before I could find him his fist was coming towards my face.

"Not again you don't" Simon yelled, before grabbing both his hands seconds away from my face. I pinned his hands above him whilst he breathed heavily, almost hyperventilating. As he caught his breath and calmed down, I slowly slipped the ring off and handed it to Simon. 

"Call Magnus for a portal now." I said. Jace stared deeply into my eyes and his Iratze rune began to glow under his t-shirt, activated by our connection.

"Clary?" he called out, concerned. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. It's you I was worried about." I said. He looked at the position we were in and a smirk immediately made its way to his face. I jumped off of him before he had any ideas and a portal appeared in the room.

"Guys lets get out of here." Simon said. I helped Jace up from the bed, wasting no time I grabbed the sword and bottle of Lake water. Jace waited for me and then stepped through the portal with me. Man I was glad to be out of Idris!

Somebody's been watching them. Who do you think it is? Comment down your ideas and vote for this chapter. I love you guys.

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