Chapter 17

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I stumbled through the portal back into Idris. The cabin was right in front of me and I knew she was there, it was almost as if I was being pulled there. We all drew our weapons out as we approached the rustic and abandoned cottage. I tried opening the door but it was locked and the wind began to pick up. Almost howling at us, at something. Wasting no time, I backed away from the door so I could burst it open but Izzy beat me to it by giving it one strong kick with her heel.

"A girl wears heels for a reason," she sighed, stepping in.

"To make her look tall when she's really a midget." Alec chuckled, receiving a death stare from Izzy and a warning from Luke. I walked past the three of them, walking into all the rooms whilst calling her name. It was a strange feeling, I could feel her there but she wasn't.

"Clary!?" I yelled growing desperate.

"Jace, quiet!" Luke yelled back, listening for any noise. I didn't expect to hear anything but a muffled voice was quick to prove me wrong.

"That's Clary!" I said, looking around the walls.

"What? I can't hear anything?" Izzy said looking concerned.

"I can hear it clearly, it's her." I said, feeling a floorboard creak suspiciously as I walked over it. Alec immediately crouched down, pulling the rug away. It revealed a hatch which he began to open. This time it was me who interrupted his moment. I stomped as hardly as I could on it, with so much force that the hatch burst open, leaving a hole in the panelled floor.


"Clary!" Magnus ran up to us as we stepped back through the portal. He scanned her to check if she was okay as I lowered her down onto a chair. 

"Magnus...I'm fine." she spoke, rubbing her temples.

"You don't seem fine," Alec replied, standing behind her with his hands on her shoulders.

"I-I just feel dizzy, that's all."

"Clary, what happened?" I asked, grabbing a bottle of water, twisting the cap off and bringing it close to her mouth to take small sips.

"I-I don't quite remember. It's all just a blur to me now." she replied, smoothing her baby hairs back into her pony tail. Magnus took one last wary glance at her before disappearing into the corridor, Alec soon trailing behind him.

"How about you get some rest kiddo?" Luke rubbed her shoulder as she smiled up at him lovingly. I helped her up and walked into our room. She said nothing, just crashed onto the new bed and knocked out asleep. Something wasn't right.


I walked into my room to find Simon sat on my bed reading a book. Usually this wouldn't bother me but considering the fact that he was really pushing my buttons recently, it wasn't okay with me.

"Simon we need to talk," I abruptly spoke with a sense of seriousness in my voice. He put the book down and looked at me expectantly.

"Simon, this won't work between us. I-I'm sorry. I just can't drag this out any longer. I do love you. But our lives are too different. It won't work."

He chuckled nervously before walking towards me and placing his hand on my cheek. "Izzy, I love you. Your the only person I have. We can make this work, its not easy you being a shadowhunter and I a vampire but I don't care." 

"No Simon," I had to fight my feelings so much, the tears already making their ways to my eyes. "It won't work. We can't talk anymore," I choked out as a stray tear rolled off my cheek and onto the floor. His hand slid from my face as he backed away, skin somehow becoming paler. I could see the tears in his eyes as he turned around silently and walked out the room. My heart was filled with so much regret, he loved me? And I just pushed him away? All I felt was pain as I crawled onto my bed, tears pouring from my eyes as I clutched the bed sheets for comfort. Deep down, I knew that we could make it work, I really did. I could see my future with him. But after Jace told us what Angel Ithuriel warned him about to do with the danger coming after us, I wasn't letting Simon risk his life. If anything happened to him I knew I would never forgive myself. Yes, I found him irritating for a few days but that was what I did to make the pain more bearable. It didn't work cause what I was feeling was shredding me apart. I felt as though a part of me had just been ripped away from me and that was weird to say considering I'd only known him for a couple years. Simon was always there for me. When Clary was living her mundane life, Simon was with me every single day because he knew I felt as though I'd just lost my only sister. He was the most loving and genuine munda-, vampire I'd ever met. 


I walked out onto the streets, and into an ally by the Dumort. I had no control over what I was doing, all I wanted was blood. A man stood by his car, staring up at the Dumort and so with no other thought I ran and bit down harshly in his neck. He screamed a blood-curdling scream but I paid no attention as I continued to suck up all the blood I could. The anger and pain I felt made me unnaturally thirsty for blood. So I drew the man clean of blood before letting go of his limp body. Just before I could turn away, I caught a glimpse of his face.

"Oh my-

What has Simon just done!? This is gonna be interesting. Also what's happened to Clary. Sizzy is no more, the proposal was destroyed and bad things are on their way. Stay tuned for more. Keep voting, sharing and reading. Love you guys! 100 votes on this book...OMGG💘💘💘

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