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"Wait! Don't do this! Listen to me! Why doesn't my own body listen to me?!"

Shota woke up from the screams coming from his bedroom and the cat poking at his face. He stood up and ran over there half asleep wearing his black jogging pants and a white tank top. He could see a red beam coming from the door. The heat the power emanated covered his face with a thin layer of sweat. (Y/N) was having a nightmare, and was involuntarily manifesting her quirk. Shota opened his eyes wide, and as his hair elevated, he cancelled her quirk. He sat beside her and grabbed her firmly by her shoulders. The warmth of her body was intense.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Wake up, its just a dream!" said Shota as he shook her lightly. (Y/N) opened her eyes.

"Where... am I?" - (Y/N)

"You're with me, in my apartment, you're safe." - S

"What happened?" - (Y/N)

"You were having a bad dream and your energy began emanating by itself. You're safe" said Shota as (Y/N) sat on the bed. (Y/N) let her head land on Shota's arm. She sighed.

"I think I have let this affect me more than I should've..." said (Y/N) as tears began flowing and damping Shota's tank top. He opened his arm and let her come closer to his chest. He hesitated for a second, but then put his arm around her. She continued sobbing. This wasn't the first time that she cried on him. She remembered all the times she wept on him while at UA. He was her greatest comfort. Shota raised his legs and placed them on the bed one by one. Rocky jumped on the bed and laid beside (Y/N). Shota covered himself with the blankets and laid there until they all fell asleep.

The sun rose, as Aizawa's cellphone alarm went off. He slipped out of the bed, and before he headed over to the shower, he took a deep breath inhaling the sight of the red headed woman on his bed.

(Y/N) stretched her hand to find empty space. She sat up on the bed and found the cat. Shota walked in from his shower with only a towel around his waist.

"(Y/N) I thought you would sleep in. How are you feeling today?" - S

"I feel exhausted. Last night's episode really did a number on my rest. My vision is still the same as it was yesterday....or, I could be completely faking it to see you naked....kidding" - (Y/N)

Shota blushed as the words came out of her lips. "I would believe you, if it wasn't for you are saying it to my lamp. Just so you know I have guard tonight in the dorm rooms. Now that I am going back to work, I have to stay there four out of the seven nights of the week" said Shota as he got dressed and dried his hair with the towel. "Given what happened last night, I don't think it's a good idea that you spend the night alone. I think you should come spend the night over at the UA faculty dorms."

"I suppose I could stay here during the day and meet you there later, Rocky and I can use some bonding time. What is there to do around your apartment?" - (Y/N)

"Patrolling doesn't really let me see what goes on here during the day, but I know there is a grocery store two blocks away, and a park another block ahead. Other than that, you would have to venture on your own, but please don't do that. It doesn't sound rational." - Shota

"I am a pro hero Shota. I think I can defend myself pretty well." - (Y/N)

"That is not what concerns me. You have been targeted once, and I am not sure you're out of the enemy's sight. Besides, you could get lost as soon as you leave this apartment. Remember, is not like you broke a leg, you actually can't see." - Shota

"I know, but I am going to go nuts in here. Back at the Northern Region I barely spent any time at home. I was so busy with all the work out there. There aren't that many heroes over there as there are in here, so we were always swamped with work. Not having something to do is exasperating. I can already feel myself going crazy" - (Y/N)

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