Chapter 8: You're Here Too...

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Fei Ren's POV

"Natsume...this is really exhausting...we haven't even gotten to the actual training," I pant. Currently, we are constructing a training ground in the forest. It was near where they first found me, considering it wasn't too far from the village. It is a good walk there though. We were setting up mannequins and wooden figures to practice my taijutsu. Then targets on the surrounding trees to practice my aim. The only problem is that Natsume does not know how to explain things, mostly just throwing crap around about aim and angle but doesn't help me understand. But he does help me with my position in combat and my strengths.


After two hours of training, Natsume had to leave for a mission. I was on the ground panting. I was tired and sweating.

"Okay. I think Imma stay here a little longer then leave to take a nice long bath." I start to get up, stretching my sore body, "Ow!"

I get up and look around at what to do. Then I managed to spot something. A small figure, almost about my size but a little taller.

"Hello? H-hey!" I yell out. They seem to stiffen before coming out a little. A boy. I start to walk towards him, "Hey! Are you lost?"

As I get closer, I see he's not that much older than me. Maybe by 2 or 3 years. Maybe he took a stroll out of the village. He had brownish-red hair and beautiful yellow eyes.

But he looked familiar...I can't explain why. He continued to be tense but didn't move. I opened my mouth to introduce myself, but he speaks first:

"Are you..?"

"Me? What about me..." he didn't answer, so I go on to introduce myself, "My name's Fei Ren. Who're you?" his eyes grew wide for a bit, and he stepped back.

"No. It can't be," he states. I move my head to the side in confusion, "then, it's the same for you too, huh?"

"All right, just who are you? What's happening?" I demanded.

He looks at me, dead in the eyes. He has a moment of silence before grinning, "I can't believe I was right...take a closer look, Fei..." I frown and stare at him, his features, then I see the mark. An earring with the same star that should be around his neck, the same one he wore before dragging me here. I felt a sharp pain, the worst headache I've ever felt. It seems to affect him too, as he starts to clutch his head as well. It felt horrible, like multiple needles going through my skull and sticking onto my brain.

" that..."

"Yup, can't believe it right," he quickly recovers and shoves me to the floor. He jumps onto the branch of the nearest tree, "it's your lovely chauffeur, 'Raul.'" he puts his name in parentheses with the motion of his fingers. I glare in confusion and anger. He looks down and smiles.

"What, the fuck are you doing here, Raul?!" I snarl. My muscles strain, I'm really tired.

"Whoa! Watch your mouth! You're too young to be cussing!" he chuckles at the air.

"You're too young to have a tattoo and be a murderer, fucking bastard! Why are you here, damn it!" I shouted back.

He looks down at me, a serious look plastered on his face, "I don't know, and even if I did, I wouldn't have to tell you." His sudden change of demeanor shocked me, causing me to flinch. He drops to the ground and approaches my exhausted form. I tried to get up and attempt to defend myself, but I fell to the floor due to my shaking knees. He crouches down and grabs my chin, pulling me close and keeping his glowing yellow eyes on my blue ones. I grab his arm and wince, fearing what he would do. I find myself digging my nails into his arm.

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