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Once upon a time where all fairytales starts with, or is this a fairytale with a happy ever after or it will be a drastic tragedy?

A Legend says that the place called New Orleans is a place where mythical creatures are hiding, a place you never knew they are existing.

A soft 'shh' can be heard as the cat meows softly and lick its paws, Neige is a persian cat his fur is white as snow and he have a pair of blue eyes as if you're seeing the ocean itself in the cat's eyes.

"Neige follow me quickly we need to hide from dad..."the boy says as the cat just walks with sophistication. The boy chuckled, he picked up the cat and hug him.

"Aish we need to be quick, dad is going to take you away I wont allow him. "the kitty meows as he purrs softly and nuzzles his nose to his owner's cheek.

A light flashed as a car stops infront of them."There you are son, give me the cat!"Neige growls and hissing to the man.

"No I won't leave us alone! Don't take him away from me, dad I'm begging, Not Neige."the boy cried, he love his cat so much Neige is a gift from his mom before she passed away, so he treasures the only precious gift his mother left from him.

"Don't you want him to be human? Now give me Neige, sweetheart."

"No dad! I love the way he is."but he can't do anything when his dad's men took away the cat from him.

"Neige!"the boy cries hard seeing his cat been took away.

A year after a boy appeared in a form of half human and half cat, he hides his ears using his hoodie and knocks on the door, the young boy opened it seeing an unfamiliar face.

"Yes? How may I help you?"the boy asked staring at the boy infront of him.

"Won't you welcome your dearest Neige?" he took off his hoodie as a smirk flastered on the boy's lips.

"Y-you're N-neige?"he's stuttering and held the boy's hands.

"Yes, I am your cat."

"B-but what happen?"

"Unveiling the truth will bring you to your death, sweetie, a secret must remain a secret." The boy gestured a shh sign and smile.

Kim Seungmin as Neige / Seungmin
Lee Minho as Himself

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