Chapter Two

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Charlotte Hayes

I woke up at 7 shaking off my tiredness as I got ready for new kids this year. I love being a first grade teacher. I don't know why I chose first grade, but it's a joy. I walked into my bathroom taking a relaxing shower while trying to wake up. Once out, I wrapped my hair in a towel and dried my body off I got  into my outfit. It is nothing fancy, I mean I am teaching first grade, but I do like fashion. I grabbed my nude strappy pumps, a pair of my dark wash jeans and a simple grey tanktop. My hair is straightened to right above my bra strap and I had on silver hoop earring. My eyes were coated in mascara, light black eyeliner, with grey shadow and my lips were coated in a simple clear gloss that tastes like peaches. I picked up my phone seeing a message from Jane, my best friend and colleague, as she freaked out about today-she was more excited than the kids on the first day. I sent a 'lol' back as I walked out of my room and to the little kitchen this apartment had. I made an egg sandwich with bacon and sausage. After cooking it I  sat down with a cup of orange juice in my living room and I opened up the tv watching the news as I ate. Soon it was 8 as I put my dishes in the sink washing them and grabbing my keys, making sure everything was off and exited my apartment locking it. I walked down the 3 flights of stairs and to the parking lot hopping into my car and driving off to Starbucks ordering a grande caramel coffee, and then headed off to the school. Once I got there, the office greeted me as I smiled waving, grabbing the papers in my mailbox and heading to my classroom.

Around 830 parents started to show up so I waited outside my classroom and greeted all the newcomers, taking in names and information they gave me, like always on the first day. I saw one really shy girl, in a purple skirt, as she seemed to be pulling on her grandmas hand, not wanting to move forward anymore. Another little girl looking almost exactly like her, in pink attire, came over to her giving her a hug and saying something to her. Once they reached the doorway, the grandma gave them a hug and stood back up. "I'm Pattie Montgomery, and these two are the twins." I smiled at Pattie, as the pink attire twin waved up at me.

"I'm Isabella and that's my twin sister Emma. She's shy."

I bent down to Isabella’s height and gave her a warm smile, "Welcome to the first grade Isabella, and Emma," I said going to Emma, " Welcome to the first grade. I am Miss  Charlotte."

Isabella smiled bright. "I like your name Miss Charlotte." She said smiling big. "Grammy?" She asked as I turned to Emma as they talked. I stuck out my hand as she held onto her grandma's. "You want to help me color today Emma? I have lots of pictures to choose from, and I would love it if I could color you one, and you color me one?" Her eyes lit up as I said that and she nodded slowly dropping her grandma's hand and held onto mine, but then let go giving her grandma a hug.

"Alright Emma, I'll pick you up later, daddy will pick you up right before dinner remember?"

"Okay grammy," She spoke for the first time as Pattie got up, Emma holding my hand and Isabella running to hug one of her kindergarten friends, "Be careful Isabella, don't want you to trip okay?" I called out as she nodded smiling as her and her friend walked in the classroom.

"I'll pick them up at 3 right?" Pattie asked me. I nodded agreeing.

"Yes, that would be the time." She nodded waving at Emma as she walked away. "Alright Emma, class is starting soon, want to go pick a desk?"

She looked up at me, "Desk?" She asked as I nodded walking inside the classroom with her. In Kindergarten there is tables where four can sit, in first grade there is a desk where two people can work instead. In the back there was a carpet and bean bags for story time, but she looked at all the boys and girls getting to know each other. I bent down to her level and pointed to the table in front. "How about that table Emma, I'm sure someone will sit with you later." She nodded as I lead her to the table and then got everyone's attention. "Please sit two to a table, so I can tell you what we will be doing today."

They did and towards the end I saw 3 girls not knowing what to do. Then I saw Emma walk up to Isabella and tug softly on her shirt. "Bella, sit with me, you can still be next to your friends." I felt bad for the girl, she was too shy, that nobody noticed. That was me during my school years. Isabella sighed before walking over and sitting next to her sister. I smiled at Emma before starting my easy lecture on what was going to be done today.

During recess me and Jane were in my room talking about our kids this year. “Okay so this one boy, Judd, he is a yeller. Then Mart is physical and Mia is rude. I mean you sound like you have the good kids. Why not me?” We both let out a laugh as I shook my head.

“I dunno, I have twins, guessing fraternal and Isabella seems to let on to Emma that she will be there for her, but goes off with her friends. I dunno but I sense Isabella doesn’t want Emma to hang out with her or her friends.”

“Maybe, but I remember dealing with my sister. I think it’s just a sisterly thing.” I nodded taking the last bite of my apple before throwing it away. “So Char, how’s this finding a guy thing coming along.”

I gasped smacking her arm. “Are you crazy?”

“Yes, but I am your best friend. I’m required to know these things.” I sighed with a laugh.

“Indeed you are but I dunno I mean the kids keep me busy-”

“But you told me yourself, home at your apartment is boring as fuck.”

“Jane! Language.”

“Sorry sorry.”

“I know it really is boring but, what am I suppose to do? I told you I am not doing the online things.”

“Yeah yeah. Why won’t you let Billy hook you up with one of his friends.”

“Please I love you and Billy but his friends are obsessed with the corn with a p instead of a c stuff.”

“That’s because they can’t find someone as great as you…..” She trailed off realising her husbands firneds are so not worth it. “Fine.” I took a sip of my water as she texted Billy. Then the hum of the chatter made us part ways before the kids entered again.

I saw Emma enter in between a mass of kids and go and sit on a bean bag. I walked over with the rainbow fish book and knelt by Emma. “ How was recess Emma?” She shrugged giving me a soft smile. I smiled back going to sit in the front of the semicircle. I noticed Emma motion for Isabella to sit next to her and Isabella smiled and lead her friends over. Yeah this might be tough. 

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