Chapter Sixteen

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This saturday we had two lanes at the bowling alley. My dad, Eli and I had one lane while my mom was with Gracie, Emma and Isabella. I laughed as my dad wiggled to the bathroom, him and his weird pee dance. I laughed and picked up the bowling ball and went to bowl. Before I could focus on the pins I felt a hand on the small of my back. I turned around but got my body faced forward towards the pins. “How do you bowl so great?”

I laughed turning around and setting my ball on the rack. “Would you like me to teach you?”

“Very much.” He smiled brightly at me as I shook my head.

“You’re too cute.” I whispered mostly to myself but I think he heard me. He took a step closer and brought my face up to his.

“What if someone was to ask you out on a date.” I think my heart just stopped. I looked up into his eyes and furrowed my eyebrows.

“What?” I whispered

“Would  you want to go on a date with me Char?” I think I just became speechless. I opened and closed my mouth not knowing what to say. There are so many pros and cons of me saying yes and no. If I say yes I could harm my job, if I say no I could end up hurting us both. If I say yes I would be with Eli, alone and happy, if I said no I would be able to not risk my job. If I said no he would be hurt and if I said “Yes.” I spoke aloud meeting his eyes. He smiled brightly down at me and I heard my dad clap causing me to pull away a little. I grabbed my ball and focused on the pins. After I let the ball leave my fingertips I saw Eli talking to Emma. She was smiling wide and Eli just shook his head a smile at his own lips. I then looked and saw I had a split. I gasped as my dad laughed obnoxiously.

“Good luck Charlotte hunny.” I turned to him and pointed my finger accusingly. I grabbed my ball and went for the outside of one of the pins. When the ball hit the pin, it when flying across the lane and skimmed the other pin. It teetered before it finally slowly, slowly came to a stop before tipping back and falling over. I jumped up before laughing in my dads face and the game came to an end. I looked back at Eli and went and sat next to him.

“Sorry to say you lost.” I said as he laughed and leaned into me patting my knee.

“Yea I pictured as much.” we both laughed and watched as Emma pushed the ball down the lane. “So about our date….” He said looking at me as I blushed under his gaze.

“Yea?” I asked as I watched as he smiled at me.

“Could be possibly go out to dinner after you teach me some bowling magic?” He asked as I smiled nodding.

“Of course when may I ask?”

“How about next Sunday so I can make reservations?”

“It doesn’t have to be fancy Eli.”

“You can’t change my mind. I have it already playing out now. I’m hard headed.” He smirked slightly before running a hand through his very RDJ hair. I smiled as I looked over and saw Isabella looking over at us with such a gleam in her eyes so  I smiled at her. She quickly turned away and Eli chuckled noticing. I looked up at him.

“I just don’t need anything fancy you know.”

“But what if I want to give you something fancy. Let’s act like aristocrats for a night?” He pondered as I laughed nudging him with my shoulder.


After a week of strange awkward yet anticipated meetings, Eli had texted me he was on his way to pick me up. Even though we are going bowling after this- we are going out to dinner. I had on a baby blue sundress that hugged me in all the right places. It was strapless and lacey on the top and after my waist it was a plain cotton material. I had on a white pump and my eyes had a smokey take to them. My hair was curled and had a waterfall braid on the right side of my head. My lips were nude and I had on simple silver hoops. I heard my door buzz and I walked out of my room and to my kitchen grabbing my purse, putting a pair of socks in them and my phone. I then headed out my door and saw Eli leaning on the brick wall outside the condo building. I smiled seeing him in a soft yellow button up and tan pants with a some easy go lucky black vans. He had on the watch I gave him but no tie and his hair was in a messy spike.

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