Chapter Six

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 It was Friday and all the parents have just arrived to pick up their kids, we are outside in the nice sun. Lacey left some minutes ago and now me and Emma and Isabella were drawing with the chalk. Yesterday instead of Elijah's mom picking them up he did. It was weird, he came over to the girls a big smile on his face as they ran to him. It was like seeing him this early was a surprise. “DADDY!" Isabella called out running over to Elijah. I smiled seeing him in his suit and Emma running up behind Isabella. I picked up the chalk putting it in the bucket and standing up. Jane was on the swings with a couple of her students. "Hey Charlotte." I looked over to see Elijah smiling at me both his hands taken by the girls. I smiled and waved. "Hi Mr. Montgomery." It felt weird calling him that and it looked like he didn't like it either. "Daddy?" Emma called out interrupting our eye contact. "Yes sweetheart?" He asked breaking away from me and bent down to Emma.

"Can we get ice cream with grandma on the way home?" He smiled kissing her cheek.

"Of course sweetheart." He pulled back up and met my eyes again. His eyes were so carmel brown it was mesmerizing. I pulled away when I knew I was staring too long,

"You guys have fun with the ice cream." I smiled at the girls, "Bye girls, bye Mr. Montgomery." I waved seeing him smile and motion towards his hands. I lightly giggled and turned around and walked to Jane.

"What was that about Char?"

"What was what?"

"You and the twins' father?"

"Oh, you mean Elijah?"

"Elijah? Char you're even using first names."

"No I call him Mr. Montgomery."

"Wait a minute. Elijah Montgomery. The jackass jock dating the slut Caitlin! Ha! I bet you he got her pregnant. Sex whores." She mumbled as I watched Elijah lock his kids in their car seats and get into his car after his gaze met mine. I blushed as he waved and got in.

"I don't think he really liked high school him Jane."

"What makes you think that Char, he was all about sex."

"Yea then why did during the conference he tell me he basically hated high school him by saying I could criticize him?"

"I dunno..."

"Jane, he is different, the way he is with his kids is heartwarming, and the way they look up to him and love him..... he isn't that Elijah anymore. Something must have happened like the pregnancy or something else, I don't think he and Caitlin are a thing anymore, I don't think the girls have a mom. Either way...." I bit my lip thinking about him, "he is different."

"A good different Char? Because it seems like you are attracted to him, in more ways than one."

I bit my lip looking at her "Shut up Jane!" She put her hands up in defense. I sighed running a hand through my softly curled hair and plopping it back in my lap as I swung lightly. "I gotta go Jane. "

"Where? Home where your life is boring as fuck?"

"Wow..." I shook my head. "It is boring but I bought a new movie and want to watch it after I go for my run, take a bath and eat. "

She nodded. "Well have fun."

"I will." I said getting up. "Jane you don't know how bad I want a guy in my life to spruce things up, but I dunno, nothings happening in my life-"

"Mr. Montgomery is.." She sang getting up and walking with me to our classroom. I laughed lightly as we made our ways into the rooms. I picked everything up cleaning my room and setting some paper aside and grabbed my phone and purse and walked out locking the door. I met Jane in her room as we walked with each other to the car.

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