Chapter Thirteen

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My mom was in the kitchen cooking while the girls were off playing in their room. It was a Saturday morning and I was sitting on the couch in my living room. ESPN was playing on highlights before going into a commercial. After a few re runs of many infuriating commercials one caught my eye. I smiled wide grabbing my phone, unlocking it and quickly typing out a text getting a reply almost instantly.

“Good morning :) There’s a carnival in town you want to go?”

“Just me and you?”

“I can’t just necessarily give my girls to my mom. So they are coming as well.”

“Well why don’t I grab Gracie?”

“Sure thing :) “

“Alright let me call real quick.”

“Alright Char. “

 I got up and went  to the girls’ play room and told them about the carnival which they had a frenzy about. “Okay calm down, you have to go eat breakfast first, Grandma  is almost done okay?”

“Okay daddy.” Em said holding on to her teddy bear. I walked downstairs with them grabbing a plate of food. I looked at my phone and saw Char had replied.

“Gracie really wants to go” “And so do I :)”

“ :) great is there a certain time you want to go?”

“No I can do any time.”

“ Okay how about I leave in an hour and half and come and get you and Gracie at your moms?”

“Are you sure I can meet you at the carnival?”

“No it’s fine. Parking is going to be bad plus my mom and yours are apparently going to yoga.”

“Okay, well I guess I should get ready then ;)”

“Probably. And I should warn you that Em and Bella love the ferris wheel.”

“Well how splendid. That is one of my favorite carnival rides, besides the house of mirrors. :)”

“Haha :) Well I’ll see you in 2 hours max.”

“Okay I’ll see you then Eli :)”

 I set my phone down ready for the day ahead. I think the girls are tall enough to ride on their own cart this year. Shaking my head from going down that lane I put my plate in the sink, cleaning up the kitchen before getting the girls to help me pick out their outfits.  After they  got dressed, Em in jeans and a long sleeve purple print shirt, Bella wearing green pants with a white long sleeve shirt with pink polka dots on the cuffs. Both of them had on sneakers and a windbreaker. I let them watch cartoons while I quickly dressed. I grabbed a long sleeved grey thermal shirt, my light washed jeans with my grey vans. I ran a comb through my hair styling it in a sloppy spike. After achieving my look, I grabbed my phone heading downstairs and grabbing my wallet and keys. I got the girls together my mom quickly grabbing a few things before we all excited the house. I then buckled Em in as my mom got Bella. Once in the drivers seat I turned on the car but kept it in park. I got out my phone texting Char.

“I’m on my way :)”

“Great just pulling into my moms now :)”

“Alrighty, I’ll see you soon :)”

Putting my phone in the cup holder I buckled up and pulled out of my driveway heading to Mrs. Hayes home to get Char. Once I pulled up the girls were ready to jump out. “Woah woah.” I called out hopping out. “Be calm okay girls?” They both nodded at me until the saw Gracie and ran over to her. My mom made it into the house, winking at me  before closing it. I chuckled looking over to the right slightly before seeing Char walking towards me with a booster seat. He hair was pinned back in a half up half down style, with soft curls. she has on a blue long sleeve shirt under a grey vest, with dark washed jeans and light blue converse. Her eyes have a soft blue on her eyelids and her lips were glossy.

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