Chapter Twenty Four

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It was raining outside due to the way the drops of rain pattered along the window. I yawned stretching slightly causing Eli to pull me close to him. I smiled kissing his cheek. Today was saturday so I had no class and Eli had taken the day off. I slid out of his arms earning a groan from him as I laughed scurrying off to the bathroom to relieve my bladder. It has been a year and a half since I moved in and became his girlfriend, and today we are doing our saturday ritual. The ritual began almost a year ago. Since Eli and the girls started coming to bowling about eight months later Eli suggested we all go out for a brunch, more or less late breakfast before going to bowl. After peeing and washing my hands I exited the bathroom and was engulfed in Eli’s arms. I laughed as he held me closer. “Good morning darling.”

“Morning Eli.” I replied as he pulled back attaching his lips to mine. Pulling away, his hands found mine pulling me back to bed. He plopped down onto it and pulled me along with him. I snuggled into his side while he turned the tv on revealing the movie National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. It was around Christmas season and in a week I would be on christmas vacation with the girls. Eli started laughing at something and I shook my head a small smile on my lips. Eli still had me cuddled into his side when the girls walked in, in their pajamas. The both slid up in between me and Eli causing a slight separation between us. I smiled brushing Isabella's hair back and watching the movie. Eli had his arm lightly rubbing my upper arm causing warm sensations to linger in my veins. When the movie was over Eli went to shower while I helped the girls get ready. They had on simple jeans and Emma had on a simple white long sleeved shirt with gold balloons on her right side. Isabella had a grey long sleeved shirt with pink polka dots. Both of them had their hair up and pulled back with a brown headband. Eli came sauntering in their room after his showering a simple navy blue thermal with dark wash jeans and his black vans I bit my lips leaving the room to change as Eli winked at me causing me to laugh. I picked out simple white jeans with my read long sleeved blouse that had silver strips along the cuffs. I had straightened my hair and pinned it back with bobby pins to my right side and applied mascara and a simple shimmery eyeshadow. Walking down the stairs I heard Eli talking to Jeremy. He smiled and waved once he saw me and Eli turned around smiling over at me.

“Good morning Jeremy.”

“Morning Char. I was just telling Elijah here about the company christmas party that he declined last year. “

“It’s dumb.” Eli retorted. “And I’m the boss, they would feel awkward with me there.”

I bit my lip stopping myself from agreeing with him. It would be extremely awkward. Jeremy laughed and shook his head handing over an envelope. It was mint green with silver sharpie. Eli scrunched his eyebrows, “What is this?” He asked while I smiled snatching it from his hands.

I opened it and smiled shoving it in Eli’s face before quickly giving Jeremy a hug. “You’re best friends getting married Eli. Partaayy!” I quietly sung and entered the kitchen hearing Eli laughed and congratulate Jeremy even though he helped Jeremy pick out the ring for Talia. I poured a cup of water looking into the living room to see the girls quietly coloring. I smiled and set my cup down checking the time and grabbing their jackets giving them time to slid them on. We had to leave in ten minutes or we would be fashionably late. I walked back to Eli and Jeremy to see him walking back to his car. It was raining and ruining all the snow we had got three days earlier. Eli turned to me pecking my lips before sliding his jacket on after I slid mine on. We got the girls to get their boots on and then headed out.

All throughout breakfast Eli would fidget and look over at me with this gigantic smile. I would smile back and scoot closer to him even though it was probably impossible to be even closer. Eli was now up to bowl and when he did he fidgeed and the ball went into the gutter. He just stared at the lane as I laughed and my parents shook their heads along with Pattie. I walked up behind him grabbing his hand and pulling him to the seats. “Eli, I don’t know why you're fidgeting but it’s making you a worse bowler than you already are." I joked causing him to gasp and hold his chest faking hurt. I laughed along with him as he kissed my forehead before I walked off to bowl. After I got my strike I smirked and Eli shook his head giving me a small smile and pulled me onto his lap. When the game ended, my dad had one, we started another one due to how we have and hour left. When my dad went to bowl I got up and grabbed my drink and saw Jeremy slide in the seat by Eli smacking his back. I looked over at him weirdly and just shook my head. I then looked for Talia and saw her walking in with Jane and Billy and little Colin. “Hey guys?” I greeted curiously before taking a squirming Colin. “Hi Colin.” I smiled at him bobbing him up and down. He was almost two years old, his birthday is next week sometime. Jane smiled and came over and hugged me before grabbing a diaper form the bag and taking Colin to the bathroom. “Duty call eh?” I joked as she glared at me but then smiled as Colin grabbed her cheek. I shook my head sitting back down in Eli’s seat seeing him going to grab a bowling ball. “So Billy how is it being a dad?”

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