Chapter Ten

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It was now christmas break- well almost.  The last stragglers of my class were all helping me color a banner for the talent show later tonight. Isabella was at the end of the banner, Mia was across from me next to Chloe, then Emma was right beside me helping me finish the christmas tree and gifts. Mia’s mom showed up and Chloe, Mia and Isabella all went to her excited about the talent show. 

“Am I all set miss Charlotte?” Mia’s mom called out to me. I nodded smiling. 

“Yes you are. I will see you all at the talent show tonight girls.” I said waving to them as they left leaving just me and Emma. “So Emma, why aren’t you going to be in the talent show?” 

She looked up at me shrugging, dropping the crayon on the banner. “I don’t like being in front of big crowds. I get really nervous.” 

I smiled nudging her softly. “Don’t worry, I was like that too.” 

“What do you mean by was?” 

“Well in order to teach I had to get rid of the nervousness I felt when teaching.”

“Ohh!” She exclaimed while picking up a blue crayon and coloring an ornament in the tree. Someone was then picking up the orange crayon coloring the carrot on my snowman. 

“Hello Miss Charlotte.” 

“Hello Elijah.” I whispered out. Emma then set down her crayon and spotted her dad.

“Daddy!” She wrung her little arms around his neck as he held on to her. “Do we have to go to the talent show?”

“Yes. We have to watch your sister.” 

Emma put on a pout as Elijah scrunched his face. “Don’t worry Emma, you can sit next to me okay?” 

Emma’s eyes lit up as she turned to me. “Yea!”

After the talent show Isabella was asking to sleep over at Chloe’s and Elijah agreed. I was with Emma walking to get rid of our popcorn bag. Once we did I went to turn back to go find Elijah but he was already right behind us. He laid his hand on the middle of my back and held Emma’s hand while leading us out of the jungle that is the primary theatre. Once we were outside Elijah got Emma into their car and walked me to mine two over. “So Char, I was thinking tomorrow, we could get together.” 

“Oh Elijah-”

 “I mean the girls. Me and Emma are going to be meeting up with Lacey for brunch then maybe we could meet you and Gracie somewhere?”

 “Yea sure. How about laser tag. They have it in the mall. “ 

“Sounds great.” He said his honey orbs melting right into me. I smiled at him causing his dimples to come out. 

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Text me when okay?” 

“Of course. Goodbye Char.” He said going for a hug but stopping and waving before heading back to Emma. Oh boy, even though I would get in trouble. I would have hugged him so.

My mom had just dropped off Gracie for the day. I let her watch television while I finished up my har. When I ran my straightener over the last piece of my hair, my phone buzzed. I put my straightener down, turning it off and unlocking my phone. I smiled when I saw who had texted me. 

“Hey! Good morning Char :) Why don’t we meet up for noon at the laser tag center?”   

“Hi and morning to you too.  And 12 sounds good!” 

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