Chapter Twenty One

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I got out of my car and headed into the school building quickly walking to Jane’s classroom. Once I walked in she waved me over. I went to her desk and smiled when she smiled up at me. “Good afternoon Elijah. The second parent teacher conferences are coming up in a couple weeks, so here is the sign up form.” She handed me the form while excusing herself to another parent. I then walked up to the girls and smiled telling them to get their things so we can leave. While they got their stuff I quickly popped in next door to see her getting ready to leave. I ran quietly behind her sliding my arms around her waist pulling her into my body and kissing her head before letting go and walking backwards. She turned around and smiled following me. “Good afternoon Eli.” She whispered while I smiled and turned around grabbing Em’s hand and Bella was talking about their day.

“Hi Miss Charlotte.” Em said cheerfully seeing Char walking up beside her.

“Hi Emma, Isabella. How was school today?” She asked as we walked out of the school and to my car.

“Fun!” Bella exclaimed while hopping into the car. I laughed and gave Char a small hug goodbye while she walked to her car, Jane quickly hopping in coming from no where. Once we got home I filled out the paperwork and put it in Em’s bag and started dinner. I put the latest on this time that way I could possibly go out with Char.


I smiled as I stood up shaking Jane’s hand. Em has come out of her shell and Bella’s studies are growing better. “You are doing a great job Mr. Montgomery.” Jane said while she grabbed her things. I held the classroom door open for her when I walked out. After Jane locked the doors she went and knocked on Char’s door. Walking right in Char smiled up at Jane hugging her goodbye before looking at me and keeping her smile on.

“By Jane have a good night.”

“You too Char.” She winked while walking out. I shook my head with a chuckled and walked up and brought her into my arms.

“Good evening Miss Hayes.”

She laughed while wrapping her arms around my neck. “Good evening Mr. Montgomery.”

“Are you ready to go? We can hit up some Applebee’s on the way home?”

“Actually I have something at my house.”


“Yeah.” She whispered nodding while grabbing her bag and keys, walking to the door. Once in the hallway I grabbed her hand and lifted it around her, laying it on her shoulder. She leaned into me while we headed to my car. This morning she came with Jane, and tonight I get to be her chauffeur. I opened the door for her and closed it walking to my side and hopping in and starting it up.

I parked and met her on the side and followed while she lead us to her condo. Inside she dropped her bag in the closet, off to the left, and walked into her kitchen. She then leaned on her tip toes getting a box of noodles. Then got the sauce, meatballs and cheesy bread ready. After she had a calm moment, I pushed myself of the wall and walked over behind her. “Why is your cooking always mouth watering?”

“You haven’t even had any yet.” She giggled out while I shrugged.

“I can smell the goodness.”

“You are so weird.” She stated while stirring the spaghetti.

After she cooked and plated the spaghetti we both sat down talking about our day. On my first bite I smiled up at her cheekily and she just shook her head laughing. “Really Eli. Manners.” She scolded while I just swallowed and kept my smile on. “So Jane really loves Emma and Isabella. She is going to cry when they leave. That was legit what she said to me the other day.” I shook my head laughing while nodding.

“Yea. Em is out of her shell now and Bella is learning a lot more than she used to. I got Em to help Bella and now  Bella is starting to figure it out.”

“That’s great Eli. See I told you you’re an awesome father.”  She smiled at me and I smiled back moving my chair so I was sitting next to her.

“Is this seat taken? No good.” She laughed while I took a bite of my spaghetti, her delicious spaghetti.

 After dinner was over I pulled Char into my arms, wrapping my arms around her waist while her arms slid onto my neck. “Char I have been wanting to ask this for a while now.” I stated while I swayed us gently to  a hum.

“What is it?”

“Well what if we took us to another level?”

“What do you mean?” She tightened her grip on me and brought herself closer.

“What do you say if I called you my girlfriend?”

“Girlfriend eh?” She had a slight smirk upon her lips as I chuckled quickly pecking her lips.

“Yes girlfriend. Char is my girlfriend. How does that sound?” I asked as her eyes gleamed with something unknown. It was happy, yet joyous - yet excited.

“Damn great. “ She breathed out into my neck as I smiled swaying us to  an imaginary beat. “Eli, my boyfriend.” She whispered her lips grazing my neck causing a shiver of pleasure to run through my body.

“That sounds so right.” I whispered right below her earlobe as she shivered causing me to smile. I am a man, no matter how in love with the girl I am, If I turn her on I feel accomplished. “What should we do now?”

“I got a couple things but they involve the clothing to be gone.”

“You are one naughty girl.” I replied, my lips grazing Char’s.

She just laughed and took my upper lip into hers and sent tingles through my body. After one intense breathless kiss Char gripped the back of my hair and wrapped her legs around my waist as I kissed her neck walking us to her bedroom. I laid her back on her light green sheet and used my arm to make sure I don’t squash her while using my other to graze her stomach. “Eli?” She gasped when my hand ran across her waistband.

“Hmm?” I asked through a mumbled due to how I was kissing her stomach. She grabbed my head and brought my lips up to hers smiling into the kiss while moving us so my back was on her bed, either of her legs on my sides.

The sun shone through her window making her room turn bright getting rid of the dark that was there the night before. I looked to my left inhaling a deep breath seeing her sleeping peacefully. I noticed her chest more exposed than should be and brought up the blanket to cover her and pulled her closer to me. She moaned quietly and moved closer into me. I brushed the hair away from her eyes as they fluttered open. Her chocolate orbs landed on my lighter shade of brown as she smiled at me. “Good morning. “I said while kissing her forehead.

“Morning.” She replied while hiding under my chin.

“What shall we do today?”

“Cook me breakfast?” I pulled back slightly laughing gently and pulling her in for a kiss.

“Why not.” I said against her lips gently taking her bottom lip in between my teeth softly. I got up grabbing my boxers, slid them on and then grabbed my button up and sat Char up and slid it on her, helping her button it.

“This is so cliche morning after.” She laughed while grabbing her string of red and sliding it on over her legs. I smirked and brought her into my arms carrying her downstairs to one of her chairs. I grabbed some eggs, and some bacon and what not to put in the omelet. After I finished her omelet I set it in front of her while she smiled kissing my cheek. I smiled at her and then went and made myself one before sitting next to her taking a bite. “You are a great cook to Eli. I’m not the only master chef.”

I laughed and swung my arm behind her chair. “Thank you. Perks of having my mom as a mother.” She shook her head setting her plate of to the side due to how she was done. She then moved to my lap, sitting on my left leg while I wrapped an arm around her stomach the other grabbing a forkful of omelet and putting it in my mouth. “We should go shopping. Get the girls an end of the year present." I smiled brightly after hearing her say the girls instead of your.

“Absolutely Char. “ I kissed her shoulder taking my last bite and turning her to face me and captured her plump lips in mine.

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