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 Jane was fussing over Charlotte’s hair and makeup while Charlotte tired swatting away her fussing. “Jane seriously?” Jane just sighed and stepped back.

“I just want you to look amazing when you go out there.”

“Jane you almost cried- you did cry when I walked down the aisle. Eli wasn’t even crying he was in a state of shock and pure happiness when his face needed an ice pack because of his smile. I think it is safe to say I look amazing.” Jane just shook her head and nodded.

“Alright well let’s go dance the night away!” Jane grabbed Charlotte’s arm and dragged her out of the bathroom and to the dance floor. Charlotte and Jane were laughing and dancing to the music when Elijah came over and grabbed Charlotte into his arms.

“Why hello Mrs. Montgomery.” He smirked down at her while her arms wrapped themselves around his neck.

“Hi Mr. Montgomery. How may I help you?”

“How about a kiss?” Charlotte just shook her head and let his lips find hers. Pulling away breathless Elijah lead Charlotte to the head table and Jeremy started the toasting.

“I have known Elijah since college and when I met him, he was a busy man. But it always worked out for him. Always. And even though he never seemed happy, two girls always made his day.” Emma and Isabella hopped up onto Elijah and Charlotte’s lap. “Now he has Charlotte. With the mention of her name he will light up and I swear he daydreams.” Elijah cleared his throat as everyone started to laugh. “Then there is Charlotte. I met her only like what two? three years ago? Something like that and when I did she had the same reaction as Elijah. The way they are smitten for each other is insane and I look at me and Talia and I realize we are the same way. I’m proud of you Elijah, you too Charlotte. Have a smitten filled marriage.” With that he lifted his glass before he took a gulp and sat down, everyone following suit.

Jane was the next to make a speech and she embarrassed Charlotte with the way they used to have weddings when they were little and talk about marriage and family and such. “Enough with the embarrassment though. Elijah makes my best friend happy, something I want to see every second. I’m glad they found each other and even more glad that she feels this happy with you Elijah. Here is to Charlotte and Elijah.” She cheered taking a gulp of her champagne. Charlotte chuckled sipping on her water and Elijah looked at her weirdly.

“Why aren’t you drinking?" 

“Because drinking is bad daddy right mommy?” Charlotte smiled brightly at Emma who smiled and hopped off going to dance with her cousins, Isabella following suit.  

Charlotte stood up and pulled Elijah with her as they dance in the middle of the dance floor. “No seriously not one sip of alcohol tonight has gone into you why?” Charlotte just blushed and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Remember like a month and a half ago your mom watched the girls for us?” Elijah bit his lips before his brows raised and he nodded. Charlotte chuckled bringing one of his hands to her stomach. “I just got notice that I am 5 weeks pregnant Eli.” She whispered as Elijah’s eyes shot up and a big grin spread across his face.


“Mhm..” Charlotte trailed off blushing.

“This is amazing.” He whispered while gently caressing her stomach. “I love you Charlotte Raine Montgomery. So so much, and this little one inside you. Gosh.” He whispered his eyes never leaving hers. “We have to tell everybody.”

Charlotte shook her head. “Tell the girls first.” Elijah nodded before quickly scurrying off but came back pecking her lips. Charlotte laughed and walked  over to Jane who was getting a drink at the bar for Colin.

“I just need water.” The bartender nodded filling a cup before handing it to her. When she turned she saw Charlotte and smiled noticing her hand on her stomach. “Told him?”

“Yeah.” She blushed walking with Jane to find Colin and Billy.

“How’d he take it?”

“He loves it and he’s going to get the girls so I can tell them, well we can.” Just then Emma and Isabella came running over and smiled when Charlotte bent to their level. Elijah came walking behind them a great smile upon his face. “Guess what?”

“What?” They both asked excitement filling their eyes.

“You two are going to be big sisters.”

“REALLY!” They both cheered and got excited while Elijah laughed and bent down. He grabbed one of their hands and set it on Charlotte’s stomach.

“You’re little brother or sister girls.” As he spoke he stared into Charlotte’s eyes and smiled. She smiled back leaning towards him and pecking his lips before taking her girls to the dance floor while Elijah just stayed back and watched as his wife danced with their daughters. Something he wanted but never expected to be this amazing.

“Delayed love man.” Jeremy spoke patting his back and getting another beer. “Smitten ass you are.” Jeremy commented as Elijah slapped him upside the head before laughing and nodding.

“That I am. In love I am.” Charlotte then looked over laughing and dancing with the girls as she shot him a wink causing him to chuckle and walk out there with is family. 

                                                                                The End

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