Chapter Nine

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I woke up groaning looking at the time. 9. I sighed rubbing my face. What could me an the girls do today. It is a Sunday and-.SUNDAY! I get to see Charlotte today.  A wide smile spread across my lips as I threw my comforter off my body a pep in my step as I made my way to the girls' room. I pushed the door more open seeing them still asleep and  my smile turned softer. I pushed the door all the way open and then walked to my bathroom getting rid of my boxers as I stepped into the shower. I finished drying my hair with the towel, then tossed it into the laundry basket. I asked my mom to move in and she said "I can't believe you think I'm lonely...but of course I'll move in hunny." Then she walked off making dinner for us mumbling something about lonely. I didn't mean to upset my mom but, I mean it has to be lonely right, living alone and all? I shook my head walking out of my room and to the girls room. Emma was up, sitting in her bed playing with the soft purple teddy bear Charlotte gave her for her birthday. The head was white with purple ears and purple splotches on the black eyes, and a purple threaded nose. The chest was purple but the arms and belly were white. The legs were purple and the bottoms of the feet a white leather.  She sleeps with it in her arms every night now. I scrunched my eyebrows in thought, but then shook my head walking into the room. Emma looked over at me upon hearing my footsteps and smiled. "Good morning daddy." She cheered standing up and running into my arms. I smiled hugging her tightly.

"Good morning Em. How did you sleep?" I asked pulling away, my fingers skimming the fur on the teddy bear she held close to her. She wasn't just sleeping with it, she brought it everywhere. I scrunched my brows again before looking at her face.

"Good! We get to see Miss Charlotte today daddy." I smiled bright at the mention of her name. I nodded.

"Yes we do. Want to go see if Grandma is awake and wants breakfast?" She nodded walking off the teddy bear still in her hands. I need to figure that out. I sighed standing up from the crouch I was in and walked to Bella's bed and waking her up. "Good morning Bella." I said as she rubbed her face.

"Good morning daddy."

"You excited for the movie today?" I asked as we walked out of the room. She nodded as we made it to the stairs.

"Waffles or pancakes?"

"Pancakes please." She said climbing onto the couch, once we reached downstairs. I nodded going to the kitchen to make them. I also grabbed bacon pulling that out to cook. I started the bacon, heading to the coffee pot brewing some for me and my mom.

"Daddy?" Em called out as I turned around.

"Yes princess?"

"Can I have waffles?"

"Certainly." I said as she smiled going to sit by Bella as they watched a princess show. My mom came into the kitchen smiling at me.

"Good morning dear."

"Morning mum." I said flipping the bacon as she poured herself a cup of coffee. "Hey mum?" I asked as she swirled the spoon in her mug mixing the cream and sugar.

"Yes?" I looked back at the girls and then dropped my voice to a whisper.

"Why do you think Em has been carrying that gift from Charlotte everywhere?"

My mom looked back at Em and then to me. She sighed. "Darling, to Em, Miss Charlotte is the closest thing she has to a....mother." I nodded gulping down my own spit or air, whatever it was. I bit my lip concentrating on this one pancake, my mom doing the waffles. "I know it has been hard without a mom for them dear, just, Em seems to be taking it harder. Bella is always saying how you are going to find a princess and be king and queen. She isn't as sad as Em in the situation." I nodded.

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