Chapter Seventeen

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I walked back into my office after attending a case. I sat down in my leather chair and pulled out my briefcase and grabbed the paper work and started to fill it out. It was a Friday and I am really excited because Char and her family are coming over for dinner tonight as well as a few other friends of my mom and Mrs. Hayes. It’s weird because her last name is Hayes and Char has Andrews. She told me the other night it was that way because of her biological dad. I looked up when I heard a knock on my door and allowed entrance to whoever it was. I saw Jonathan walk in and he started to speak. “You have a very important call Mr. Montgomery.”

“From who?” I asked setting the paperwork down and moving to my phone line.

“The superintendent of Pine Woods School District.” What? I gave him a confused look and nodded for him to leave. Once he was gone I picked up my phone and greeted the awaited call.


“Hello is this Elijah Montgomery?”

“Yes sir this is.” I spoke back to the man on the line. He didn’t sound too thrilled.

“We need you to come down around four and speak with us in the principal's office.”

“Yes sir, but I will have my girls.”

“Find a daycare it won’t be longer than an hour. We will see you at four Mr. Montgomery.” With that he hung up. Huh, I wondered putting the phone back down on the set and looking at the paperwork again. This doesn’t sound too good.

I couldn’t pick up the girls due to the meetings so I unfortunately had my mom get them for me. When I walked into the office at four they lead me past the vice principal door where I heard a soft voice speaking. I then was shown to enter the principal office and slowly did so taking a seat in front of the Principle and a couple other official looking men. “Good afternoon Mr. Montgomery. We have a serious issue to talk with you about.” The principle started off as one of the superintendent put a hand on his desk and leaned into me.

“You know the consequences Mr. Montgomery?”

“Of what may I ask sir?”

“You and Miss Hayes.” Oh no. I couldn't have ruined her job.

“Please, does she still have her job?”

“Yes.”  The principle spoke. “Though my colleagues think we should get rid of her.”

“You can’t she is the best teacher.”

“You’re just saying that because you have been doing her.” The superintendent frowned at me.

“What?” I asked dumbfounded. “Me and Char don’t have an intimate relationship.”

“Really I have a source telling me you do.”

“We may have kissed once or twice but we haven’t defined our relationship. As far as I know she won’t go into one with me because it could ruin her job. I respect that so I stay away. Sort of.” I mumbled the last part realizing this past Sunday I did no such thing- yet she didn’t stop me.  

“Well she won’t lose her job. She is one of the best we have.” The principal spoke above the superintendent.


“But,” he spoke as I looked up at him, “Your relationship with her is not allowed in our district.”


“How did you end up being so affectionate with Miss Hayes?”

“She has a younger sister that my girls hang out with. Our moms are yoga friends and let the girls hang out. I met Charlotte when I picked up my girls at her moms house one night.” They stayed quiet for a moment before the Superintendent nodded.

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