Chapter Fourteen

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A week later Eli came over to my desk before taking his girls home. “Hey Char. “

“Hey Eli. How was your day?”

“Not bad, a little stressful but fine. How about you?”

“It was fun. Why was yours so fine?”

He walked over to me and pulled a chair over and sat down. “I have a dilemma and I know I shouldn’t be asking you but you are the last hope..” he trailed off. I furrowed my eyebrows a little hurt that I was a last choice.

“Oh and what is it Eli?” I asked as he bit his lip looking up at me sheepishly through his eyelashes.

“I have to be in Atlanta Georgia by April 1st.”

“Okay and that’s in three days but I still dont get-”

“I have no one to watch the girls, and I can’t bring them. I tried EVERYTHING to bring them but I can’t. My mom is at Myrtle beach with your mom and my best friend who normally helps me with the girls is coming with me. And I don’t trust anyone else with them besides you. So is it possible for you to watch them til April 3rd?”

“Eli I-”

“It’s a lot to ask of you I know. And maybe you can’t accept it, and that’s okay. It can jeopardize a lot of things-”

“I’ll do it Eli.”

“You will!” He cheered causing the girls to look at us. I smiled and nodded.

“I mean it does jeopardize a lot of things, but I’ll do it.”

“Thank you! Seriously thank you so much Char.” He said a gleam in his eyes as he looked at me. “So um tomorrow is my last night with the girls. And I know this is weird and crossing some boundaries but could you possibly spend the 5 days over at my place?” I stared at him for a second realising how many days he was going to be gone, and I was to be alone with the girls in his home. This was all so wrong yet I looked into his eyes and nodded a yes. “Oh wow are you sure? I don’t mean to impose. The girls could also go to your place-”

“But they might get homesick. I understand Eli. Don’t worry.” I smiled at him reassuringly. He smiled at me in this soft warm way that made my insides tingle.

“Thank you Char, really thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” I said grabbing my bags needing to leave because my mom was about to leave for myrtle beach.”So when do I need to come over?” He grabbed the girls stuff and got their jackets on while I locked up and we all walked out.

“Tomorrow night? They were stupid and booked my flight for 5 am. I literally tried everything to rearrange this trip.”

“It’s okay Eli, I am happy to do this for you don’t worry.”

“Okay, well I’ll see you tomorrow then?”

“Of course Eli. Have a good night and don’t stress okay?” He nodded waving goodbye to me as he got the girls buckled and drive off. Just as I was about to get into my car I saw the superintendent looking over at me and then off at Eli’s car. I gulped getting into my car and driving off to my mom’s, he might catch onto some things that I don’t want exposed yet.

Tonight is the night. I told myself. I had texted Eli earlier and he said that I should probably bring a suitcase and that is what I did.  Even though my mom went to Myrtle beach, Gracie was with my aunt. I grabbed my suitcase and headed over to my car and drove off to Eli’s. Once I got there I took in a deep breath, the nerves are finally hitting. I was going to be here for five days. Alone, with his girls. I shook my head and got out, grabbing my suitcase and my backpack I grabbed, not to mention my purse. I got halfway to the door when Eli flung the door open. At first it was shock before joy filled his face and he came running to me. “I am so glad you are here. The girls are helping me cook and are really excited for you to be here too.” He grabbed my suitcase and lead me inside. Once the door was closed a little body hugged me. I bent down engulfing Emma into my arms as she hugged me tighter. I let go of her and saw Isabella standing off to the side. I walked over to her and bent down holding her hand. “Hey Isabella.”

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