Chapter Nineteen

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I tapped my foot anxiously as I got out of my car. I went and rang the buzzer as I heard a click. I quickly walked up the two flights of stairs to her door. I  shifted nervously as I felt the two tickets in my back pocket. Just as I was about to knock the door opened and there stood Char. She had on a purple tank top with white capris. Her hair was in a messy pony tail but she still looks good. She smiled upon seeing me and grabbed my hand and lead me in. Once she closed the door she leaned against it and smiled at me. “Good morning Eli. What brings you by?” After Char slept over she became more open with me and we became a cute duo. I smiled and grabbed her waist pulling her into a hug.

“I have a really big question to ask you.” I announced while she pulled back and looked up into my eyes.

“Ask away.” She said. I then began to shift uncomfortably again. “Eli are you okay?”

“Yeah, I just… listen it’s spring break right?” She nodded her head looking at me with slight confusion. “I well, I kind bought tickets.”

“Ticket to what?” She asked a small smile appearing on her lips.

“A plane.” I looked at every inch of her face. She seemed as if she didn’t understand.

“I don’t understand.” See. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair and grabbed the tickets out of my back pocket and handed them to her. “Hilton Head? Eli please explain.” She asked as she set the tickets on her stand off to the side. I grabbed her hands running my fingers through hers.

“Well I wanted to know if you wanted to go on vacation with me. Just me and you. Down in Hilton Head. For three to four days.”

“Oh.” She whispered. She squeezed my hands and started to speak again. “What about your girls?”

“My mom is willing to watch them…. “ I trailed off watching her reaction hoping she agrees. She let go of my hands and wrapped them around my neck pulling me in for a soft kiss.

“When are we able to leave?”

I smiled and pushed a baby hair back and kissed her softly. “Tomorrow around noon?”

“Guess I should go pack then huh?”

“Are you really coming?” I asked holding her close to me and staring into her eyes. She smiled widely at me and nodded.

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“I don’t know. “ I replied as I picked her up and leaned her on the wall.

“Eli what are you doing?” She giggled out.

“Kissing you.” I replied before attaching my lips to hers. Her lips curved upward as I capture her bottom lip into mine. She trailed her tongue along my bottom lip as I allowed her entrance. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled herself closer. I groaned and moved my hands from her thighs to her butt and kissed outside of her mouth. I then trailed kisses down her cheek to her neck. She moaned right after I kissed one spot so I kissed it again and felt her tighten her legs around my waist. I groaned and ran my tongue along the sensitive part of her skin. Her hand slid up my grey v-neck and started tracing my abs. Once I lost my breath I pulled back and smiled agaisnt her lips before lickign mine and kissing her again. “I think I need to pack.” She whispered her voice hoarse. I nodded and let her down. She walked a couple steps before grabbing my hand and bringing me to her room. She got a suitcase and set it on her bed and began to pack while I sat back and watched as she did so.

The next day at one we sat in the waiting chairs waiting on our plane to be called. I was on the phone with Em and she was talking about the page she just colored. I laughed as I saw Char having trouble opening her bottled water. I held the phone with my shoulder and grabbed the bottle and opened it for her. She shyly took it from me and blushed. After taking a sip she gave me a kiss on the cheek. She then answered a call from her mom and greeted her. “So daddy why are you going on vacation with Miss Charlotte?”

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