Chapter Eight

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It was the weekend before the twins' birthday party and my family had just finished bowling. Sometimes Elijah would text me and we would talk some. It was kinda awkward yet it got me tingling. What do you talk about with your students' father? I can't get too out of line because by being a teacher for his daughters it is against the contract to get involved with anyone. I sighed pulling into a parking space as me and Gracie went to shop for the girls.

It was Friday afternoon everyone was almost gone. It was raining out so we had to stay inside. The twins were coloring with Mia and Chloe when Lacey had gone home ten minutes ago. Mia and Chloe's moms appeared as I waved to the moms and the girls saying goodbye. Then it was just me and the girls. I smiled at them as they finished coloring something. I then went to pick up a hat that had fallen in the doorway when I felt a hand on my upper arm. I looked up meeting his eyes, of course I would know by know that those sea of honey eyes are his. I blushed standing upright noticing we almost bumped into each other.

"Hello Elijah." I said as he smiled.

"Hey Char-lotte." He stuttered on my name again. I laughed getting the twins' attention as they yelled out "Daddy!" and ran to him. I smiled putting the hat in the cubby hole for Brandon, seeing as it was his hat. I then walked to my desk picking up a few things. I saw Elijah in front of me as the girls got their coat. "I wanted to give you this." He said handing me a pink envelope. I scrunched my eyebrows before I realized it was an invitation. "The girls were handing them out earlier this week, they wanted yours to be special, so I left it out of the pack. Then I forgot it,  but the next day I put it in my briefcase and forgot, until now." He said as I looked up at him nodding.

"Thank you." I said seeing him smile, causing me to smile. I opened it as Isabella pulled him away so he could zip up her jacket. I read the invitation seeing the kids were going to go blowing. Like Lacey, but after to Elijah's house for a small scavenger hunt. I smiled before putting it in my purse. When I turned back around I slammed right into him. "Ow." I mumbled looking up at him smiling before laughing a little.

He laughed with me. "Sorry I didn't mean to be so close."

I shook my head smiling. "No worries." I bit my lip looking beyond him at the girls who were smiling at us. "I will see you girls tomorrow with Gracie." They smiled big nodding.

"Okay Miss Charlotte." The said in unison as I looked back at Elijah seeing how close we really were. A stick couldn't even fit between us, maybe a piece of yarn? I blushed backing away as he cleared his throat. "Sorry." I said grabbing my stuff so I could make it to the dinner I was suppose to be at with my grandparents, mom, dad, and Gracie.

He shook his head looking at me. "No it was my fault." I smiled shaking my head. We stood for a moment before he realized I needed to leave. "Sorry." He said yet again walking to Emma and Isabella as they grabbed his hands as we all left the building. "See you tomorrow." He said to me as I nodded.

"Of course."

The next day came as I woke up and got ready. I had on light wash jeans, black peep toes pumps, and a shirt that had red print till the top of my chest then had white with black lines. My eyes were smoky, my hair was in its natural soft curl and I had on red whisper. I grabbed my phone and blue purse before grabbing the gifts for Emma and Isabella and went to go get Gracie. The party starts at 12 at the bowling alley. Once I picked up Gracie I headed to the alley both of us singing to Katy Perry's Unconditional that played on the radio. Once we got there I parked as I let Gracie carry the gifts. I laughed watching her walk. "Hey Grace, you got four bags, why don't I take one or two off your hands?" She groaned giving me one as I laughed. We walked in, and I felt the nerves hit me. All these moms were here, and here I was, the teacher of their kids, at this birthday party. Will they gossip about me? Question my roles as a teacher? Will they-

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