Chapter Twenty Two

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I had Jane’s class in mine today due to how she left early. Her little one had produced a cough and fever so of course she left earlier wishing all her students a lovely summer and hugging them all goodbye. Emma and Isabella were strangely picked up by Pattie and now I just had a few from my class left. I smiled when their parents came by and picked them up. I then went to clean my classroom and once I had my bag I felt arms wrap themselves softly along my stomach. I leaned back into his hold and saw an orange rose, with red tips in my line of vision. I smiled and lightly grabbed the rose turning in his arms, my wrists crossing over each other behind his neck. “What’s the rose for Eli?”

“Nothing much babe.” He smiled softly while pecking my lips. I smiled when his lips hit mine and looked into his eyes when he brushed my cheek lightly. “Well maybe something. Picnic on the beach what do you say?”

“I say yes, in every way I can.” I mumbled cheekily while pulling his lips to mine. He took my bottom lips into his teeth gently before capturing my lips within his. After a few seconds his tongue gently ran across my bottom lip, as I let it slide further. His tongue clashed against mine causing a soft moan escaped my mouth. I pulled away breathing in the oxygen my body so much needed even though my body also wanted him. “Eli not here.” I blushed and then chuckled noticing I was sitting on my desk with him in between my legs.

He smiled at me and nodded sheepishly. “Sorry I didn’t mean to go that far.”

“It just happens.” I smiled at him wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his chest. “Because I’m just too irresistible.” I joke causing him to laugh and nod.

“That you are.” He breathed out smiling at me, the smile reaching way into his eyes. “Now what do you say we hit the beach and the picnic?”

“Sure thing.” I hopped off my desk grabbed my purse and Eli grabbed my keys and hand. I intertwined our fingers once I shut the door and we began walking down the halls. We got to my car and he started it up while I buckled up. He drove to the beach, which was a good hour or more  away, while keeping my hand in his. Soft music played as a background noise while I talked about the upcoming summer and new kids. Once we got to the beach Eli had already set up the picnic. “How did you already do this?” I questioned while sitting on the soft blue blanket he brought.

He shrugged while sitting beside me. “I got here before going to pick you up. This part of the beach is more private than the other part. Nobody knows about this part. “ He started opening up the basket. One container held green grapes, another held ritz crackers with sliced sharp cheddar, the last one had simple half italians. I saw a couple more containers but he didn’t break them out yet, so I kept quiet while he opened the wine and poured me a cup. He grabbed his phone opening up itunes and putting it on radio, volume on level two. I grabbed a grape popping it into my mouth. He shook his head at me while popping a cracker into his mouth.

“So,” I nudged him. “How does it feel to be the proud father of two second graders now?”

He just shook his head sipping his wine. “Honestly terrifying. They are growing up so fast. What if the next time I blink they are in high school and bickering with drama. Oh god I’m not ready for that.” He emphasized that while leaning his head on my lap. I laughed starting to play with his hair.

“Everything will work out. “ I whispered seeing his eyes catch mine. “They may grow up fast but you are always there capturing the moments they have those cute moments you will never let them live down.” He chuckled grabbing my chin slightly and pulling my lips to his.

“So perfect.” He whispered before sitting up and popping a grape in his mouth. I grabbed a cracker and took a bite while he handed me my italian. I smiled at him, giving a soft thank you, before finishing my cracker and  taking a bite of my sandwhich. An hour later Eli just had me in his arms, looking out into the waves while we drank the wine.

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