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After driving for about fifteen minutes, you arrived at the grocery store and got all of the necessary stuff to keep in the house, including milk, eggs, wheat bread, cereal, meat to cook for the week, some vegetables, seasonings, fruits, rice, and more things for the kitchen. Your mom had already gifted you a few plate and utensil sets, your father had sent a Keurig coffee machine from America, and a few of your other family members had provided you with cups, cooking utensils including a wooden spoon and pizza cutter. You smiled to yourself as you then headed to the bakery section of the grocery store.

Your mouth watered at the sight of the freshly made donuts, cakes, and cookies on display at the bakery. You then bit down on your lower lip as you eagerly reached forward, grabbing a tray of chocolate chip cookies and placed them in your cart. You continued pushing your cart throughout the grocery store before reaching the snack aisle.

You watched as a little kid grabbed a bag of candy and ran up to their mom, begging to have it.

"Eomma, can I please have these? Pretty, pretty please?" You smiled to yourself as you looked away, pushing the cart towards the snack bars. You eyed the granola bars and pursed your lips to the side as you then nodded your head, reaching forward to grab them.

Simultaneously, a hand, slightly bigger than yours reached towards the same brand of granola bars. Your eyes immediately trailed up the person's arm, noticing the khaki green sleeves.

Oh no...  please no.

You let your eyes trail up further to notice the curious eyes staring back at you. Slowly, your teeth found their way onto your lower lip and began nibbling on the skin. You scanned the person's face, noticing the soft, smooth skin, the plump, pink lips and the distinct silver hair. His lips slowly began to curl into a grin before he moved his hand away from the box of granola bars.

I managed to dodge him earlier, but I was bound to see him again... we are neighbors after all.

"I'm sorry. Ladies first." He said as he slowly stepped away from the granola bars and patiently waited for you to grab the box first. You slowly looked away from him and grabbed the box, turning to place it in your cart. You heard movement behind you as you pretended to scan the aisle for other snacks, trying your hardest to not gawk at the attractive man behind you. "You look familiar." He mumbled.

His voice is hot. Deep, but with a slight highness of his voice in pitch. I could only imagine how he sounded when he talked dirty... Wait. Did he just say I look familiar? Shit. Did he see me staring at him last night? What if he saw me staring at him and his girlfriend last night and this is his way of calling me out on it?

"W-what?" You asked as you turned around to look at him, eyes drifting immediately to his stomach area where his abs were hidden under his shirt. You watch as he turns his body, facing away from the granola bars and his eyes curiously scanned your face, trying to realize where he had seen you before. Your eyes quickly looked back at his rather than at his abs.

"Your face... it's really familiar," he continued. "Do you work in my office building? Or are you possibly friends with one of my friends, because I know I've seen you somewhere." He nonchalantly stated before grabbing the box of granola bars and placed it in his basket.

"I-uh... I don't think we work at the same company. I work for a fairly new company." You insisted nervously. You didn't want to tell him you were friends with Namjoon. After all, you had just met Namjoon two hours ago. "Do you shop here often? Maybe you've seen me shopping here." you questioned.

"Yeah... I come here every weekend to pick up groceries. That's probably where I've seen you." He slowly smiled before he bowed his head down apologetically. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make this conversation awkward, miss. Just curious is all." He said with a small smile.

Please don't ever stop smiling at me.

"I-it's okay..." your eyes automatically found their way down to his arms. The sleeves on his hoodie were loose enough so you couldn't see the outline of his arms. You played it off as looking at the ground before looking back up at him. A smile formed on your face as you looked at him. "You look familiar to me too and I was thinking it."

"Well, I have to get going. I'll see you around then." He said with a cute smile, his eyes squinting as his smile formed on his face. You tilted your head to the side noticing how his eyes disappeared with his smile.



You finally made it back home and were unloading the groceries from your car and carrying them into the house. You let out a sigh as you recalled what had happened earlier. Based on how different he is in person compared to how he was with that girl last night, it caught you by surprise. You assumed he would be the type to immediately hit on you without knowing your name. The smirk that was plastered on his face last night, along with the fact that he was lifting and throwing the girl around the living room with such strength led you to believe he was a fuckboy. Meeting him in person proved you wrong, however.

It's surprising how someone can have such duality. From what you saw in your bedroom, he looked hot, sexy even. His hair last night was styled the same way, but the sweat that was attaching the front strands of his hair to his face made him look sexy. The way his muscles were so defined when you got a view of him without his shirt on is an image you never want to get out of your head. The cocky smirk that played on his lips last night and the way his eyebrow arched when the girl teased him were subtle facial expressions that made you feel a heat deep in your stomach.

But today... today was different.

Seeing him wearing such a loose sweater, not accentuating his body in any way made him look cute rather than sexy. The way his eyes crinkled when he smiled made him look more innocent. The way his lip slightly pouted out as he scanned your face, trying to figure out where he had seen you before made you want to kiss his lips in a sweet, cute way rather than in a hungry, lustful way. His hand was big compared to yours, but his pinky finger was shorter than yours, which made you want to joke around with him rather than seduce him.

Too bad I didn't even get his name.


So, as you can see, Chapter 2 is a little shorter because this is just a chapter to introduce the two characters to one another. Yes, they didn't know each other's names yet, but don't worry. We'll get there 👍

 We'll get there 👍

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