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Shivering, you move your body closer to Jimin, who gladly wraps his arms around your body to give you warmth. You close your eyes, feeling yourself relax as you lean into his body.

"Only a few more minutes, baby." His soft voice whispers into your ear. Nodding your head, you bury your face in his neck and allow yourself to get more warmth.

You're dressed in a tight, black dress, a pair of black high heels, and your hair is pin straight. Jimin smiles down at you as you wait in line to get towards the front of the restaurant.

Apparently, Jimin thought that the only way to make up for the dinner with Namjoon and Jennie was to eat at the most expensive restaurant in town. You had argued that you could easily eat at McDonalds and be satisfied with that, but Jimin insisted.

"Next." You and Jimin step forward towards the entrance.

"Reservation for Park Jimin."

"Right this way, Mr. Park." You're both escorted into the restaurant towards the private portion, secluded from everyone else in the restaurant. "I hope you find the food and table to your liking." The waiter states before handing Jimin a menu.

"Y/N! Sweetie, you're here!" Your eyes widen.

I know that voice.

Looking up, you're greeted by the sight of your mom rushing towards you to wrap her arms tightly around your figure. You lose your breath as she embraces you tightly.

"M-Mom? What are you doing here?"

"Jimin invited me, sweetheart, along with Mr. and Mrs. Park!" she states, causing your eyes to widen. Your head snaps in Jimin's direction and he innocently smiles over at you.

"I figured it was time to take the next step in our relationship." He states before gesturing towards his parents. "You've already met my brother, but these are my parents." He walks towards them, greeting his mom by placing a kiss on her cheek and giving his father a tight hug.

This is a nightmare.

"Y/N!" You hear a deep voice from behind you, causing your eyes to widen.

"D-dad?" you ask. Turning around, you see your father standing with open arms. "Jimin invited you too?" his head nods up and down.

"Yes, he contacted me about three weeks ago about this dinner and told me to fly down here. You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend." He states before eyeing Jimin. Leaning forward, your dad grows protective as he mumbles into your ear. "He's taking care of you, right?" You quickly nod your head and watch as your father goes to greet Jimin.

Taking a deep breath, you turn towards your mom and she immediately stops smiling as she places both of her hands on your arms.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

"Mom... isn't this... a little too soon?"

"Too soon for what?"

"We haven't even been dating for a year," your voice lowers to a whisper as Jimin talks to your father, laughing about something. "It's too soon to meet his parents and have a dinner like this." Your eyebrows raise and you can feel the anxiety coursing throughout your body.

What if Jimin's parents think I'm weird? Jimin didn't tell them how we met, right? What if they start questioning me? What if they say I'm not pretty enough for Jimin? What if-

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