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The dreaded day has come. It's Monday.

The day that Jimin will be back at the office. The day you have to face him and be civil with one another, not that you haven't been already.

You have a gut feeling about today, a feeling that you should call in sick and not show up to work. The sad part is that you know you can't do that.

Getting dressed into a gray and red plaid, short-sleeve dress with a white collar, you look over your outfit in the mirror, rubbing the palms of your hands down the dress to flatten the lower part of your dress, letting the tight skirt straighten out. Grabbing your phone, you glance at the time.

Thirty minutes until work.

"I can't be this early..." you state before shaking your head as you pick up your Gucci purse as you start to head towards your front door.

You're purposefully running late for work today. Being early and being around Jimin for longer than you have to be doesn't sound like the best thing for you.

Since finding out about Jimin having a girl in his house, you started making plans to avoid him in the office. 1: don't talk to him unless necessary for work. 2: eat at your desk during lunch. 3: leave work only after Jimin leaves first. 4: don't talk to Jungkook or Jimin for longer than 5 minutes.

Attempting to not get to work too early, you stop by a coffee shop drive-thru.

Twenty minutes until work.

Sighing, you decide to take the long route to work this morning.

Pedestrians cross where there isn't a cross walk, cars honk at one another incessantly, people tailgate your car and the red lights take ages to pass by. Normally, this would be something that would start your day off in a bad way. Normally, you'd be irritated with everyone and would speed to get away from the busy street life.

Today, this only brightens your mood because you know that you're now only 9 minutes early for work with two more red lights to pass before you get into the parking garage.

A smile forms on your face as you feel the relief of not having to have any small talk with Jungkook or Jimin before work. No stress before work. No sadness before work. Just nothing. No emotion, just going into your job to earn money and then going home.

Pulling your car into a parking spot of the garage, you put the car into park and park next to a Mercedes. Sighing to yourself, you glance over and see that the car's tires are just a little over the faded white line on the ground that's supposed to represent a separation of car spaces.

"Dumbass doesn't know how to park." You mumble to yourself before opening your car door, doing your best to not bump the car next to you. Slipping out as carefully as you can, you roll your eyes before shutting the car door and locking your car. Your purse is perched on your lower arm as you hold your arm in a ninety-degree angle.

Flicking your hair over your shoulder, your heels click on the ground as you make your way towards the elevator leading to your office.

Upon reaching the elevator, you press the button to take you to your floor.

6 minutes early.

In the elevator, you ignore the body in the plain black dress and start to take a baby wipe out of your purse and clean your hands with the wipe.

"Good morning, Y/N!" you hear a perky voice near you in the elevator, causing you to pause as you hold the baby wipe in your hands. Slowly turning to the figure, you see Sowon smiling widely at you. You merely blink for a moment before a fake smile spreads across your face as you put your hands back at your sides.

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