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"You're in?" Jimin asks, his mouth agape as he stares up at the confident woman. She slowly nods her head, her eyes locked on you before looking over at Jimin. She smiles over at Jimin before she bites onto her lower lip.

"Still don't understand why the two of you just don't do a threesome... but I'll take what I can get," she says before shrugging as she stands up, her hand wrapping around the pole. "After all, this is the first time I've seen a couple come in here together. You're... special."

"What time does your shift end?" You ask, your eyes lighting up as you stare up at the woman rolling her body to the music once more.

"I get off at midnight. I'll meet you guys at the bar when my shift ends... unless you want me to continue dancing for you until my shift ends," she says before glancing over at the clock on the wall. "I don't mind dancing for you for another 35 minutes." She smirks down at you as you glance over at Jimin, your eyebrows lifted as you silently question if he would like that. He slowly nods his head before looking back up at her for a moment as she continues to dance for you.

You look at Jimin, ignoring Hwasa as you monitor his actions while he watches her. His eyes look distant and his face remains blank as he watches her. He leans his body back on the seat before he reaches a hand over to you, pulling you closer to him as he wraps an arm around your shoulders. His hand gently rubs your shoulder as his body leans a little into yours as you follow his actions. As Hwasa dances, he glances over at you for a moment, a small smile forming on his face as he notices that you were staring. His tongue drags along his lower lip as he stares in your direction. You smile back at him before he furrows his eyebrows in your direction, almost as if he's asking if you still want to do this. You slowly nod your head before glancing back up at Hwasa, who's still dancing along to the music and Jimin follows your lead, watching her as well.

You could sense how bored Jimin felt from where you were sitting. He allowed his head to rest against your shoulder as he watched her, one hand rested on your shoulder as he wrapped an arm around you. His other arm was reaching down to begin holding your hand as he stares up at Hwasa. Hwasa starts watching the two of you while she's dancing, growing curious of your relationship as she does so.


You look over at Jimin and Hwasa in the car as you sit in the backseat. You glance down and start fiddling with your fingers as you feel yourself growing excited yet tempted to tell Jimin to turn the car around and drop Hwasa off somewhere else. You bite onto your lower lip as you glance up, seeing Hwasa making small talk with Jimin that you didn't want to bother paying attention to. She let out a soft laugh as he talked to her.

"Y/N?" Jimin asked as he glances at you in the rearview mirror. You shake your head for a second as you look up, your eyes wide as they meet Jimin's. He tilts his head to the side as he begins to speak again. "Baby, Hwasa and I were just asking if you would want to watch in the same room today?"

"Th-the same room? As in your house?" you ask as you lift your eyebrows, biting your lower lip as he nods his head.

"Wait, you two don't live together?" Hwasa asks, her expression mimicking yours as she looks between the two of you.

"No, our relationship is relatively... new." Jimin says before biting onto his lower lip. You feel a heat forming on your cheeks as you feel yourself getting slightly embarrassed. Hwasa notices your reaction and smiles to herself for a moment.

Once you arrive at Jimin's house, you all get out of the car before Jimin opens the door, waiting to the side as he lets Hwasa enter the house first. You're about to walk in before Jimin's hand lightly grips onto your forearm, gently pulling you back towards him as he intently stares into your eyes.

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