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The waitress came back with the plates full of food before placing them onto your table. Both you and Jimin politely thanked her before you two started eating.

"That's enough about me, though," Jimin started before shoving a spoonful of scrambled eggs into his mouth. He chewed and looked over at you cutting your pancakes and pouring syrup on them. "Tell me about you."

"I'm an only child and was raised by my mom. I just graduated college recently and just recently paid off my student loans. I saved up my money and bought my current place," You started. "My best friend is Joy. I don't think you got to meet her at the party. She was all over the place last night. I've been friends with her since middle school and she knows me like the back of her hand."

You watched as Jimin listened intently to you, occasionally stuffing his mouth full of food. His eyes remained on you as he listened to your background before he wiped his mouth with a napkin. He leaned against the table once more before he spoke.

"Knows you like the back of her hand, huh?" he inquired. He watched as you nodded before a small smile formed on his lips. "That's like me with Taehyung." You smiled at his words before taking a bite of your pancakes, licking your lips to get the syrup off them. Jimin's lips licked over his own before he reached over, taking a sip of his orange juice. Once he set his glass down, he looked up at you once more.

"I want to know more." He quietly said before taking a bite of his bacon. You tilted your head, confused by his statement. He looked up, the strip of bacon hanging from his mouth before he mocked your expression. His head tilted to the side as well, eyes widening, just like yours had.

"What do you mean? I told you pretty much everything there is to know."

"No, you didn't," he said, the bacon still in his mouth. His fingers took the bacon out of his mouth and set it down onto his plate. His eyes stayed looked up into yours as he started talking again. "You've said stuff about your background. Not stuff about who you are now, like your favorite color, your favorite foods, your hobbies. That's what I want to know more about." He simply stated.

He's really a charmer, isn't he?

"O-oh, well I like sightseeing for a hobby," you mentally face palmed yourself at your use of words. Even though he didn't know about you watching him have sex, you couldn't have made it more obvious. "And um, I like reading and painting. I used to paint during college whenever I had anxiety." You watched as Jimin's eyes lit up.

"Really? You like art?" you nodded your head at his words before he leaned onto the table. "I went to an arts school. My major was dance." Your brows lifted, pretending to be surprised. You already knew about this from the books in his living room but didn't know why he loves dancing.

"Really? What genre of dance?" you questioned as he looked at you, surprised by your interest. He was eating and ended up slightly choking on the piece of toast he was chewing on. He coughed before patting his chest lightly as he looked at you.

"I studied contemporary dance," he placed the piece of toast onto his plate once more before looking back up into your eyes. "But lately, I've been interested in hip hop and breakdancing. Hoseok is a street dancer and sometimes he teaches me new choreography to help me expand my knowledge about dancing."

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