Chapter 9

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Jason set Stampy down on a nearby rock, not paying any attention to the world outside of the cave.

Stampy thanked him.

They heard footsteps behind them. "Would you look at that? You're still alive. Color me impressed."

Jason spun around to face the figure. He squinted his eyes. "You."

Stampy looked over, confused. "Wh-what??"

Kalaraja groaned. "Another one??" He sighed. "No matter. You both look like a wreck." He chuckled slightly. "But I am impressed you've survived this long, Jason."

"Ya know what." Jason stood up. "I'm surprised too." He frowned. "What do you want?"

"I came to see if you were still alive or if you were dying somewhere. Or if you were ready to give up yet." Kala replied.

Stampy frowned, glancing between the two, flinching when he moved his tail slightly.

"You really think I'd give up?" Jason scoffed.

Kala shrugged a little. "Most do after awhile. It only gets worse. They either give up," he grinned. "Or they die trying."

Stampy flinched back, eyes wide.

"Has anyone survived as long as I have?" Jason placed a hand on his hip.

"One or two. Those who died, ended up going insane as well." He laughed. "That was quite amusing to watch."

Stampy stared at Jason like he was crazy just talking to whoever this was.

"In fact, you've even impressed my queen..." Kala mentioned.

Jason's eyes widened. "Queen?"

Kala nodded. "Yes. She has been impressed by how determined you are to fight onward. She debated having me bring you to her, but she wants to see how far you can go."

"I'm not doing anything for your queen." Jason said, adding air quotes around 'queen'.

Kala laughed at Jason's sassiness. "Bold of you to think so. You're trying to escape, right? Let's just say her bet is that you make it." He replied. "I'm not so sure where your," He glanced at Stampy. "Friend, stands in all of this but she says that I have to show you a goal point to get to in order to escape." He sighed, looking a bit agitated and gestured outside. "You will see a blue beacon in the sky. Get to where that beacon is; you make it out."

"Are you being serious?" Jason crosses his arms, feeling as if this all seemed a bit too easy. "Oh but let me guess, it's gonna be super hard."

Kala grinned. "She never said I couldn't interfere."

"Oh course." Jason sighed. "Gonna try to drown us in blood again?"

He laughed. "Perhaps. There are other means to break you, you know. Not all of them physical." He grinned maliciously. "And now there's two players." He looked to Stampy who whimpered slightly.

Jason moved so that he was standing between the two. "If you wanna get him, you'll have to go through me." He frowned.

Kala only grinned wider. "That can be arranged." He started to step forward only to suddenly stop and growl and sigh. "... You're lucky this time. I'll be watching..." And he vanished in thin air.

Stampy was shaking.

"That little..." Jason swore under his breath and turned around to face Stampy. "You alright?"

"Y-Yeah... I think so... Just... shaken."

"That was Kala..." He shook his head.

"Wait, that was him?!"

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