I found him

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Seungmin's P.O.V

"Seungminnie... Wake up... You have to get ready for school... You need to have breakfast before you leave" My appa says as he wakes me up.

"Okay appa... I'm up" I answer.

I quickly take a bath, change into my uniform and go down to find my dad setting down breakfast on the dining table.

I live with my appa in Seoul and I go to Cheongdam highschool.

My mom died after my birth so it's only been me and my appa since my birth. I presented as an omega last year on my sixteenth birthday and life hasn't really been easy from then on.

"Seungminnie.. You should eat more. You really aren't eating much these days. Are you feeling unwell? Do you feel unwell?" My appa asks concerned as I pick at my eggs and toast.

"No appa.. I'm just really not hungry... " I answer as I smile lightly.

"Are you sure?" he asks unconvinced.

"Ah.. Would you look at the time? It's time for me to go.. Bye dad" I say hurriedly as I grab my bag and leave.

"But there's still an hour before school starts though... Aish.. This kid... " Seungmin's dad says as Seungmin runs out of the house.

No one's P.O.V
"Ah... I really shouldn't worry dad like this" Seungmin thinks as he makes his way to school.

He passes through the park to reach school everyday just so that he could take a breather before reaching the hellhole called school.

Seungmin was one of the few omegas at school and even his friends Felix, Jisung and Bangchan were omegas but all of them  had already found their respective alphas. He was the only omega without an alpha in his friend group. He was one of the most innocent and kind-hearted guys at school but that made him one of the prime targets of bullies.

None of his friends ever knew about Seungmin being bullied because he didn't want them to worry. He didn't tell them even after getting lots of bruises because he didn't want to be a burden on them.

He was bullied for being an omega, furthermore a male at that.

As he was passing through the park, he found a black and white dog stuck in a bush.

"Oh.. You poor pup... Come on, let me help you." Seungmin coos as he helps untangle the dog from the bush.
The dog licks him on the face and then runs off.

"I wonder whose dog that was" He wonders as he watches the dog run off to God knows where.

"Oh... I should get going... " Seungmin mutters as he checks the time.

In the distance, a very handsome guy watches him go while holding the dog that Seungmin helped.

"Kkami-ah... I think I found my mate" he mutters.
My first fic (~‾∇‾)~ hope you like it!!!

Btw.. Who do you think the "handsome " guy is???͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡°

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