Special chapter #4

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After their return home from the hospital,let's just say Seungmin was forced to bed arrest by Hyunjin who claimed that Seungmin needed all the rest he could get.

"Hyunjinnie, our babies need both of us.. you can't possibly take care of both of them alone..let me handle them and you can do the other chores ." Seungmin said

"Minnie...I don't want you to exert yourself."

"I'm fine alright? Now let me go to my babies...it's been too long since I last saw them"

"You were with them ten minutes ago"

"Ten minutes too long!"

"Okay fine you momma bear...go"

Seungmin went into the twins' nursery. Seungjin's small baby hand was holding Hyunmi's equally small hand as they slept.

"My babies...you'll always take care of each other won't you?" Seungmin says looking at his babies.

"Of course they will... Especially Seungjin! He'd be our princess' official knight"

"Please don't make him have protective genes like you. Your protectiveness is already too much."

"Aww come on...if he ends up presenting as an alpha then he will have the protective genes no matter what."

But instead of smiling, Seungmin suddenly frowned which made Hyunjin worry.

"Hey... what's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

"No...that's not it... Hyunjinnie...if.. if one of them presents as an omega...will you be disappointed?"

"Of course not... they're my pups...even if they present as omegas I'll protect both of them until they meet their mates...but I won't let anyone just whisk them away because they're their mates."

"Hyunjinnie...you literally clinged on to me when you found out we were mates..you don't have any rights to he protective."

"Nope.. my prince and princess deserve nothing but the best."

"Fine you big protective Papa bear. Now go...the food isn't gonna cook itself..I'm hungry."

"You meanie ..." Hyunjin says while pouting.

Seungmin awoke to hear the babies cry through the baby monitor. He looked over to see that Hyunjin was sleeping soundly even now.

He's probably tired. He comes home late a lot since he got promoted at work. He deserves to sleep.

Seungmin slowly got up and grabbed the baby monitor and went towards the nursery.

The twins had turned one just last month and to say Hyunjin was emotional was an understatement.

He was crying saying that his pups were growing too fast. Sometimes Seungmin really questioned if Hyunjin really was an alpha.

"Okay my babies...what's wrong?" Seungmin mumbled as he carried Seungjin. Hyunmi had her eyes opened wide but she didn't make a sound. Her lips were wobbling and her eyes were shining so she had been crying too.

"You're gonna be clingy like your papa aren't you?" Seungmin asks his baby boy while holding him.

Seungmin checked his diapers and when he found that they were wet, he proceeded to changing them.

"Hey...you should have woken me up y'know?" Hyunjin mumbles while snaking his hands around Seungmin's waist.

"You were sleeping so soundly and I didn't have the heart to wake you. Plus I can handle it... I know you're tired anyway..this is the least I could do"

"Hey...no amount of tiredness could ever be enough for me to leave you to do everything." Hyunjin says as he makes his way towards his princess.

"Aigoo...my princess...you're just gonna be like your appa aren't you? You won't tell anyone even if you need help" Hyunjin says changing his daughter's diapers . Inspite of the wet diaper, she hadn't made a single sound.

"She worries me ...I really didn't want any of the two of them to acquire any of my traits."

"Oh hush you... You're so amazing and I'm glad my princess will be independent and strong just like my sunshine."

Seungmin blushed at that. Inspite of being married for so many years now, Seungmin still couldn't handle Hyunjin's compliments.

"Hey Hyunjinnie..?"


"We'll be okay right? Our family will be okay right?"

"Of course...as long as we stick together and keep loving each other... we'll be fine."

"I love you lots Minnie"

"I love you lots too Jinnie"

"Thank you for all this happiness that you've given me Hyunjinnie" Seungmin says looking at his babies lovingly.

"And thank you for being my happiness Minnie" Hyunjin says kissing Seungmin.

Yup...they were gonna be alright.

So that's the ending!

Thanks for reading this book you guys! I love y'all a lot! Thank you for reading this trashy book to the end and thanks for all your support till now!

Do be on the lookout for my other books and do check out my Minsung book too.

Byeessss ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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