Special chapter #2

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Hyunjin and Seungmin's wedding was celebrated with lots of joyous moments and many fond memories.

Now they had moved in together into a new house bought after their marriage.

The two of them had never been happier. Hyunjin had been promoted to a higher post in his department and Seungmin had opened his own bakery. Life had never been better and nothing could ever top this happiness. Well maybe one thing...

"Hyunjinnie... I've got something important to tell you" Seungmin shyly rehearsed in front of his mirror.

Okay that sounds too serious

"I've got a good news to tell you!"

Wait what if he doesn't like the news? Then it won't be good news

"Hyunjinnie, you need to listen to me carefully" Seungmin cringed at his words

"Ugh!!!! Why am I making this so nerve wracking!? Oh gosh.... I might never be able to tell him...but even if I don't, he'll find out eventually but then again how would he react?" Seungmin had by now crouched down on his knees while pulling at his hair.

Unknown to him, Hyunjin had been staring at him and holding his laughter at his husband who seemed to be lost in his own world. To Hyunjin, Seungmin looked as beautiful as ever and nothing could ever make him more happy than Seungmin.

Boy was Hyunjin in for a surprise.

"What's he even getting so stressed about? Has he broken another one of my GOT7 merch?" Hyunjin thought while looking at Seungmin who had once again stood up to look at himself in the mirror.

"Okay! No use fretting over this! I got to rip off the band-aid right off the spot. Better to get it all out than fret over it!" Seungmin says out loud determinedly.

Hyunjin opened the door a little more and listened a little more better to hear what had gotten Seungmin so stressed to even rehearse his words.

"Hwang Hyunjin!" Seungmin started.

Hyunjin grinned a little at the nervousness he could hear in Seungmin's voice.

He didn't expect to hear the words that came out of Seungmin's mouth.

"I'm pregnant with your baby" Seungmin says.

Hyunjin's jaw dropped at the news.
Meanwhile Seungmin got flustered with his choice of words.

"Nope, definitely not going with that... That's too sudden and-"

"Can you repeat that for me?"

Hyunjin's voice startles Seungmin who had been standing near a stool making Seungmin stumble and nearly fall down.

But before he could hit the ground, Hyunjin had caught Seungmin and carried him bridal style to their bed.

Seungmin's face was flushed as he looked down, not having the courage to face Hyunjin after his sudden entrance.

"Seungminnie...can you repeat that again, please?"

"I....I'm...uh..." Seungmin was getting more flustered by the minute.

"Kim Seungmin... please tell me I did not hear wrong... please confirm what I heard... Is it true? Am I really going to become a father?" Hyunjin asks tears welling up while smiling brightly.

Seungmin finally looked up at Hyunjin and seeing the happiness in Hyunjin's eyes gave him the little courage he needed to nod.

"Oh Seungminnie... this is the best day of my life... You don't know how happy you've made me with that news! This is the second time you've made me the most happy next to you saying yes to marry me." Hyunjin says hugging Seungmin tightly while making sure not to hurt Seungmin's tummy.

"How far along are you? Did you go to the doctors? What did they say? Are you okay? Do you need to lay down?" Hyunjin was the one stressing out now.

"Jinnie... Hyunjinnie...I'm okay...I don't need to lay down...the doctor said I'm still okay to move about as long as I don't overwork my body."

"But when did you find out?"

"I had been feeling nauseous for a few days now and I haven't gotten my heat this month so I went to the doctor day before yesterday hoping that there was nothing wrong with me. That's when she said that I was four weeks pregnant now. "Seungmin says smiling up at Hyunjin.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have taken you to the hospital. And why didn't you tell me as soon as you found out?" Hyunjin asks

"I...I was just scared that you wouldn't want this baby right now. I know you're busy with your work and I thought having a baby now would only burden you" Seungmin says sadly.

"Hey...our baby will never be a burden to me.. In fact , this motivates me to work harder so that I can provide a bright future for this child and all our future kids." Hyunjin says

"Thanks Hyunjinnie" Seungmin says cuddling into Hyunjin's chest.

"No Seungminnie... thank you" Hyunjin says laying his hand on Seungmin's belly. It was still flat but Hyunjin knew that his child was safe in there.

"Thank you for giving me this happiness. I promise, I'll protect you and our child from any harm that comes our way" Hyunjin says while rubbing Seungmin's tummy softly.

Hope you liked this chapter! I'll try my best to update more soon!

Snippets of pregnant Seungmin will be shown in the next chapter so I hope you'll wait eagerly!

Love you guys!

Stay safe and stay positive! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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