بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
Respected brothers and sisters, as we all know Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has blessed us to be in the greatest ten days of the year. Inshaallah in two days, the ten days will come to an end with the Day of Eid on Monday, Inshaallah.
On Monday, we will be slaughtering our respected goats, cows or whatever animal we have. Although it is permissible to slaughter the next day and on the third day, Afzal is to do it on the Eid Day. The Fazeelat, virtue of Qurbani will be attained by doing it on the first day, immediately after Eid Namaaz.
The spirit of Eid and Qurbani is realized when done on the Day of Eid. Besides that, there is also the Fazeelat of the first meal being the meat of the Qurbani after Eid Salaah.It comes in the Hadith; Nabi e Kareem Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam would not eat anything between Subha Saadiq and Eid Salaah and this is Mustahab. After Eid Salaah the first thing he would eat was the meat of the Qurbani. Specifically he would eat the liver which can cook quickly and this is also Mustahab.
Therefore, if a person slaughters on the second or third day, then he will lose out on this Fazeelat. Inshaallah we should try and do the Qurbani on the first day being the Eid day.
What is the Haqiqat, reality and Ruhaaniyat of this great act of Qurbani?
This is a very great Ibaadat.
Nabi e Kareem Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam says in the Hadith;
On this Day, there is nothing more pleasing to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala then the flowing of blood.
Although we can slaughter on every other day and the blood can flow, the Amal of slaughtering is not beloved to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala the way it is beloved to Him on this Day.The Maqsad is not to slaughter, eat and distribute the meat. The most people know is because Ibrahim Alaihissalaam did it, so we also do it.
Why was Hadhrat Ibrahim Alaihissalaam commanded to do it? Why do we specifically follow this act of Ibaadat although Ibrahim Alaihissalaam did many other Ibadaat? It has been emphasized and made Wajib upon a large part of the Ummat as opposed to Hajj.
Hajj is also an Ibaadat performed by Hadhrat Ibrahim Alaihissalaam. However, the category upon which Hajj is Fardh is very small compared to the category upon whom Qurbani is Wajib.
If you have Kshs 32,000/- in saved up money, gold or silver, besides your daily needs, then Qurbani is Wajib. For Hajj we need a greater amount of money.Page 1
Tâm linhThis is from the spiritual classes of Maulan Arif damat barakatuhum