Chapter 14: Reunion

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"Here's the plan, you go over there and snatch her weave!" My "sister" offered.

"Well well well," I clapped as I made a face of shock and pride "Nice work Neil DeGrasse!" I scoffed, "We'll need a plan, a new one that actually has steps that give me a chance of redemption idiot"

She pouted, "You're so mean"

"Beautiful idiot" I rolled my eyes at her soft side.

"Aww" she blushed as she giggled maniacally, "I don't know about that"

"Shut up bitch" I got out a whiteboard and an expo marker, "Alright, here's the plan"

The day of the party...

Amajiki's pov

It had been a couple of days since Tomikoa requested Mirio's presence at the party, and it is now Friday. He threw it away without a second look, but I noticed the blonde fumbling with my best friend as she embraced him. Her hands roamed his body with greed, making me a bit uncomfortable. After about 5 seconds of that, Mirio pushed her away.

That day, she walked off, oscillating her hips in a way to allure us men. It had no effect on either Mirio or I, the reason for me? I was too caught up on L/n. 'I do hope she's ok'

Lunch came and Mirio had only now noticed he didn't have his phone. "You mean to tell me your phone was missing for a while and you've only noticed on the 3rd day?" I questioned in disbelief.

"Mmhm" he smiled brightly, eyes wide open.

"Classic Mirio" I deadpanned, my face touching the table.

"Heeeeyyyyyy Mirioooooooooo~" an all too familiar voice cooed. That voice was currently something I wasn't in the mood to hear, and Mirio along with Hado noticed.

"You guys heard about the provincial hero license' test! The 1st years and those who previously failed to get it in their recent years of high school are doing it some time soon!" Hado changed the subject of Ashley Tomikoa.

'That could mean I'll see L/n again! Oh wait... she for sure won't wanna see me, she's a goddess as I'm nothing but the dirt she steps on. "Sweet!" Mirio piped in.

"Hey! I'm talking"

Tomikoa shoved Hado out of her seat, "Ah!" Hado let out a surprised gasp as she fell on her bum. I rushed to her side, slowly pulling her up.

"That wasn't very kind of you" I could barely speak, I was nervous, petrified, I didn't even stand up for myself, what the heck am I doing!!

"Haaaaaah? Wanna say that louder pointy eared loser!" She spat with venom.

F/n's pov

I walked in, receiving the information that it was only lunch. "Pointy eared loser!" I recognize that voice, and I have no doubt of who that insult was pointed at. I opened those 2 big doors with haste, when the hinge was undone, all eyes were on me.

I just stood in the doorway like an idiot, 'What was I thinking!?' I walked over to the table of the trio with ease, as Ashley was everything but that at the moment. Right when I took my seat she got about an inch closer, tugging the bottom of my H/l H/c hair. Everyone saw and gasped. "GET THAT BITCH, L/N!" Someone screamed.


"FUCK THAT! LET'S GO TOMIKOA!" A shrill female voice, it came from one of her followers.


I slowly stood, and turned my attention from my table to the girl who had just declared war, she was trembling in her shoes, realizing what she had done to herself; however, she STILL tried to play it off, "Awww, I am SOO sorry! My hand slipped! But if it makes you feel better! You're like, invited to my party, party girl!" She was a slithery snake I was about to defang.

"Wonderful" I was scornful, but could you blame me, I was about to rip her pretty little head off.

With that said, she walked off with her little entourage following close behind. The boys of the group waving at me timidly. "You good Had-" I wasn't given time to finish my question.



Hado and Mirio squeezed me in a death grip. I lightly accepted, enduring their embrace. Once they released I was gasping for air. "H-hi L/n"

I didn't answer him, instead I walked around the table and to his exact location, placing both arms around him. A furious blush spread across his face like a wild fire.

"KAWAII!!" Someone screeched.

"MY OTP!!"



'God these people are annoying,' the bell rang, indicating it was time to go, which everyone did. I still held the elf in my arms though, just the 2 of us in that cafeteria. "I'm so sorry, I've missed you a bunch you know." My eyes were closed as I held him. "That's why I came back" that and I wanted to personally give Tomikoa Ashley a beatdown.

"R-really?" No doubt his self esteem was damaged, all because of that witch. "I-I MISSED YOU TOO!" He hugged back with strength. Once we pulled away I saw the tears.


I thought that was my alarm clock for a second, until I realized it was the bell for 5th period.

"C'mon" I grabbed his hand to help him up with care, then let go as we walked together to our next class.

'What a wonderful reunion' I thought to myself.



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