Chapter 18: Where everything happened

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B/f/n's pov

I was gonna go get some chocolate from the football rookie that just transferred from Cali, if ya know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), but I saw F/n walk into the building that led to the locker rooms. I'll get that fine Sophomore later, but right now I have to ensure my baby's safety. A week ago, there was a voice in my head that said to check on F/n when she entered the locker room on this day, although I had obvious reasons for not trusting it, my love for F/n was strong, so I decided to listen. I speed walked to the door, but abruptly stopped when it was nearly slammed into my face.

My girl who I knew since pre-k was bawling her eyes out. I was gonna ask what happened, but I didn't want her to sulk even more where people could possibly spot such a sight. I heard yelling, and looked behind the H/c girl I hugged, and spotted her unfaithful, but ridiculously lucky boyfriend.

I would never admit it, but, I... kinda had feelings for her. It all started the year of 6th grade. I never thought she would accept me, but I finally gathered the courage to tell my beautiful bestie. "I-I! I really like you"

A boy had gotten to her first, and when she said yes, I was unfixable. He made her so happy, but I had no idea why. It wasn't the 1st time I caught him, but I once spotted him making out with Ashley in the court yard during Cheer practice. My heart had split into a million pieces, knowing someone would ever do such a thing to F/n, and boy did I want to put someone in a coffin. My pigtails swayed side to side as I stomped over to the 2.

"Ah!" Ashley was as red as a cherry, "Oh my god!" The redness was contained by her 2 hands with wonderfully coated lavender and periwinkle nails.

"Oh, heh. Hey B/f/n" he bit his lip after looking me up and down, "How's it goin" he did a look and said, "I call it the smoulder. Ya like?"

I felt my fists moving faster than my mind, until, "B/f/n?" I could tell she was just around the corner, most likely looking for me.

"B/f/n-" The so-called "Pretty boy" had pulled me into a tight grip, and looked into my C/e (colored eyes) lovingly, completely forgetting about his girlfriend.

"God, what would it take to have the 3 hottest girls in my bed tonight?" He was holding the small of my back tightly.

"If you keep this up, you'll never return to your actual bed" I warned him.

"True, true. I'll be far too busy in yours." He winked.

"Or maybe a hospital bed?" His eyes were out of their sockets, "Unless you're ready for your death bed" I was the one with a wicked smirk now. His hold on me faultered upon my "negotiation" as Ashley's jaw was touching her basic white Van's.

"Hey! You don't hafta be so mee-" that bitch Ashley was cut off.

"Hey Ashley! Hey B/f/n! HEY BABY!" She giggled as she ran into the arms of tHe LoVe Of HeR lIfE. I scoffed as he twirled her and faked a gleeful tone. "What's wrong B/f/n?" She pushed him away and took notice of my face.

She held and caressed it, putting me on cloud 9. "I-I'm fine really," I blushed as I turned the other way, "You wanna get some snacks with me after school?"

"Oh, sur-"

"Sorry, we already have plans" her bf glared daggers at me, as he cut off our hang out session.

He really wasn't anything special. I saw him kissing Cindy's cheek in the halls when we were 6th graders, and the next year he was caught by a few girls and I smacking Addisons ass. He was a flirt in 8th grade, but only got worse when 9th came. He was known to take girls in the locker room and give it to them, that's what I hated, the fact that he two timed my F/n, how he could still joke and smile around her, how happy he made her, how she was so oblivious to everything.

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