Chapter 2

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The next day...

I go to school again...*sigh*, I got in but the school house doesn't seem really noisy or any sound here. "Hey!", I yelled but nothing answer. "William, I see you've come late.", Mr. Baldi said. ( That's his name in this story, sorry if he has a name )

"What is it then? I always late to school and where's everyone? No school today?", he said while he grin. "No they were there but...", he grip his hand, William is hesitating. "What are you doing!?", he struggle for freedom but... "Game over, you bully.", Baldi strike his stomach using his ruler.

He take out the ruler and slowly see his intestines poured out when Baldi took out the ruler. He killed all the students in the school house, he was happy when he finally finish the killing. "It's the best that no cop will know this.", he look at the bully and dragged him to a hole where he dug.

The hole is meant for the students that Baldi killed. Everyone is in there, he toss him there and buried them in.

Another day...

I walk to the school and see the place is really dark. I never see no one in the halls. I wasn't the first one to be here, even if I am early, the teacher will be here. "Playtime you're here.", Mr. Baldi said. "Where is the other students?", I ask. "There not here because today there is no school so I think you should go to my office until 12 o'clock."

I feel a feeling that this is strange and feel the teacher is planning something. And I'm talking about really bad. I got to his room, the only place where there is lights. No one is here except him, isn't all of us will get to report about the day off?

Most importantly, only Mr. Baldi, neither the Principal is here nor the Janitor. Even Teacher Arts and Crafts. "Sit down Playtime.", he said and I sit the only visitor chair across Mr. Baldi. He was finding something but what? "I go get some water, do you need any?", I didn't say but shake my head as a no.

"Alright then.", he got out the room and I'm thinking what is going on. "It could be...", I said to myself and my ideas run wild and crazy about this. "Is he getting his ruler?", I thought this through and it could be the answer!

I look outside but no sign of him. I close the door gently without any sound. I tip toe in the halls, looking for him if he close. Until I go to the cafeteria where I can go out. I heard a ruler smacking on a hand. "Oh no.", I'm at the middle of the cafeteria and starts to run.

I almost approach to the door but Mr. Baldi is on my front. It was impossible on how he got there, "Playtime why you run away from me?", he ask with horrifying eyes. I again began to run in the halls, after all no Principal.

"Don't run!", he chase after me. I run and hide until I go to his office. "Where are you Playtime? Your a good student. Now now be good or I'll slap your face.", he said this makes me scared. "Playtime is over!", he found me but I quickly dodged his action.

"I don't want to come back.", I cry what he had done to the school and try to kill me. He killed all the students even the teachers. I was the only one. "Come back!", he scream louder then before. I go to the cafeteria and pull the exit door and want to never come back this place.

I look back and see him, wanting me to come back but I'm the only survive. I'm going home.

I got home and my parents is wondering why I'm home early. "Why are you here in 9 o'clock?!", they were shock. I tell everything about it and they understand because they see there's no light at the school.

"I think it's the best you go another school.", my dad said. "Thanks", I thank my parents and hug them. I go to my room to study and sometimes play jump rope. How he can be like this? I don't understand why Mr. Baldi is crazy? I think a lot but I can't think too much, makes me stress out.

I continue to study until 8 o'clock, after that 2 hours, I play jump rope. "I'm tired, I need sleep.", I sleep at my bed and farewell this day and tomorrow will be a great day. I woke up into he morning...? I'm not at my room! "Where am I anyway?", I exclaim.

"You are at my territory.", a person said, echoing the white space. "Who said that?", I was afraid if it's a nightmare. I see a person in front of me, "I need to speak to you.", he said.

He appears to be a nearly invisible entity, being nothing more than a T-posing set of photo-realistic clothes, hair, eyebrows, and eyes. He wears blue jeans and a red T-shirt. "What is your name?", I ask. "My name is Filename2 and I need you to do me a favour.", he requested me to do.

"You need to go back to the school house.", I shook what he said. "No, no. You can't be serious right? It's really dangerous and I will be kill.", I said but he think it's not dangerous. "You're the only one and you must do it to safe your friends right?", he said.

I look at the floor and think this, what I really need to do. "I...", I don't think I can do it. "I'll do it!", but I was determine I can do this. "Very well, you need to do to safe your friends is...", I heard what he said and my eyes widened then before. "OK...", I said but I didn't know why he want me to do it.

"It is settled. Wake up.", I awaken from my room, on my bed. "It's a dream or...", but it is real. "Should I really go there again?", I ask myself. So I decided, "To go to the school house once again.", I pack my things and go down stairs.

Today, there will be war at school house with my teacher.

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