Author's Notes / Explanation

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Chapter 13 is the last chapter of the book yet you may felt it's incomplete. Or the chapter makes you confused and didn't understand why it ended this way. So I will give the explanation of it if you wanted to continue reading until the end or leave it be as a mystery.

So there is a message from Filename2 you readers had read before the title "The End". As he said…

They will never have a happy ending. Charles and Samantha will continuously repeat the same actions after they are dead.

Our Filename2 is like the author of the story in the "Game". He is the master puppet who pull the strings of Charles and Samantha's actions and fate.

So Chapter 13 was take place of where Playtime (Samantha) is a 28 year old woman and Baldi (Charles) is also the same age as her. They are teachers in a school and they didn't know each other.

After they completed their task in the game, Filename2 change the story and this chapter is an Alternative Universe. Where they didn't know each other, they have the same age and the same job as teachers.

Now about where Samantha is going to be crush by a truck…

She could be dead or not. This is lead to you readers to tell the story for what will happened. And also I like people put their creativity on endings, especially multiple endings.

I purposely put it that way was because a story will always have an happy ending then it ends. Yet I felt continuing it will be good or bad, that will leads to my brain's creativity and planning the plot now.

Especially I'm that kind of person who wants a twisted ending where no one will expect to come. I maybe will make a second book of Playtime is Over. A sequel to it.

If continue, I need your comments if you want to read a sequel to it. Or made your own fanfictions of this if you like. I would read it and love to see how it goes.

That's all I have to say and goodbye for this amazing journey.👋

I also appreciate Loredogs754 for the encourage comments. Even though it's only him/she commented to me but he/she gave me the motivation to continue this book. Thank you for supporting me until the end. 😊

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