Chapter 12

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Years went by, and sometimes I like to abuse those children. Those irritating students who DON'T FINISH MY WORK! I really hate those students, just wanted to smack them with my ruler.

And one particular student who help his friend to collect seven notebooks. My heart was got deeper to anger as any time I want to rip off that heart out.

Every time he answers the questions wrong, the more I got faster to him and anger towards that little bastard. Yet he got away all the notebooks and didn't come back. Oh and it's so memorial that I killed the principal.

Even though he didn't hurt me but I don't care. I only care the feeling of killing people. With blood of the innocents stain on the walls and those dead bodies felt like I want to eat it's raw meat.

Even Playtime is a good match to me but she will always go to her fate. Die and reset again and again and again. It sickened me to see her face again and tried to kill me so she can destroy the game. But the one day...

"I wish it's back to its original feeling. With love and kindness. I wish it's just back like I always wanted. The way I know a teacher is loveable, a kind man with a smile on his face while teaching the children."

I heard the young girl said as I go to her but she looks different from before. She looked taller and beautiful and most of all her eyes. The eyes weren't like the socket of a skeleton rather with blue baby eyes just like- "No don't think of her. DON'T THINK OF HER!"

My mind was lost by her blue beautiful eyes that I adored so much. Her hair is just like my wife. How she can look just like her if they are not the same person. My eyes became emerald green and my heart was soften by her apology.

I even wish to protect her from harm. I was a friend of Playtime but now I felt I want to say her real name. "No, you are my friend...Samantha." I regretted on killing all the people in the school house. Even the resets, I give up on killing.

This means I surrender then…

"Wake up." His eyes are open wide to see everything is white. Nothingness is the only thing in here. "It is a dream I had. All those past were felt so real. Is this really my past then…" The name he won't forget.

"Samantha. Where am I?" He asked Filename2 who just called him to wake up. "Speak up!" He shouted as he looked everywhere to see if the error file is here. Then he caught something far from him. It was a human like figure.

It wear a red dress, blue jeans, brown shoes coming closer to him. He sees it's Playtime holding a really sharp knife with blood on it. He flinched by the picture he is seeing. He moved closer but cautious what she will do, planning her next move.

"Um…Samantha." He was nervous if this is another dream or he was back to the game world. "Put the knife down slowly." He commanded yet the girl's whole body is shaking as to come to him more closer then ever.

"What happened to you?" His voice got soft to see she was crying while gripping the knife tightly on her hands. "What did you done to her?!" He called for answers to him as to why she's doing this by force.

"This is your end, Charles. You must get killed by a person so you can go back to the real world. Even thought Samantha didn't like the idea but this is the only way."

The bald man involuntarily smile at his face as he got closer to her. "Just kill me Samantha. It's the only way-" He felt an embrace forcefully made him fall to the ground with his friend.

"I don't want to kill you…" She whispered by her terrifying move she must do so he could go back. He let go of that embrace and kissed her forehead for comfort. "You felt like a daughter to me. And you look like someone I know."

She stand up, wipe her tears as she took the knife that she drop. "Are you ready to get back?" She said with hesitation. The man nodded as put his hands on hers. "Goodbye." She slowly push the knife in his heart while his hands is helping her to calm down.

He almost groaned at the pain but he didn't care. He loves Samantha, his student. She is like a daughter towards Baldi and felt like he never felt something special with another person. He was happy for the longest time in his life.

A beautiful meaning to live his life and his existence is not just a mistake.

The girl just cried on top of him as blood had soaked her pants and dress until her shoes too. "Mr. Baldi!" She cried for regretting to kill her first friend. It felt wrong for her yet she must do it for the people to save even her favorite teacher.

Her hands are going to fade felt like she is disappearing. "My job is done. Thank you for destroying the game." After those words, he disappeared and didn't left anything in the nothingness.

"Home, this is not the real world I live. I'm going home." She smiles as she began to disappear with happiness and relief that she complete her task and everyone is happy.

"I wish I could meet Mr. Baldi." She vanish and there is nothing in the game. Only a white space on the computer/ phone screen.

You (The player) see the game is only whiteness and didn't see the main menu. So you think it is broken. From the phone you deleted the game and critical commented to the developer(s). And even the computer if you have the game.

But one thing is for sure is that you've played the game and see the story from where Baldi killed everyone in school until where Playtime complete her mission. And they lived a happy life.

Playtime just wake up from her bed, she sees her surroundings yet she felt real at the game world. She even examined her body to see she had scars of where she killed herself or Baldi gives her.

"It's all just a dream yet it's real…"

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