Chapter 6

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"Maybe it's normal…Okay. This. Is. Terrible!" After so many resets, she became a fifteen year old teenager. Yes, she got older. "How I'm supposed to let my mother didn't notice I'm taller, with long hair, and had breast now?!"

With so much frustration, she just can't take this madness. "Filename2!" She demand the error file to appear to her. "What is the matter Playtime?" He asked the young girl became a person he didn't regonize since his first meet Samantha.

"How I'm growing up?! It doesn't make a lot of sense if I'm in the same time while I become a teengaer. What happens after so many resets then grow old and eventually DIE!"

The girl slams her hands on her desk while the invisible man must explain to her or she will instantly kill this man right in this room. "The game is getting worse and you will be an error file like me…" He looked at the girl seriously.

"You must kill him, it's the only way. You are the hero to save everyone you love or you will die in this game with me and Bladi. You will be just like me, an error." Her eyes looked at the ground for digesting those words through her ears to her mind.

"Time is short so you must have a better plan to save us and free yourself from this timeline, Samantha." With words ready to say, he vanish with no goodbyes. She felt worries gone to her stomach, still unsure today will finish her job.

"Is it the right thing to do? I felt uneasy to see the man 'everyday'." She got back to her old school house, walking the loss colour of green grass with its lack of water it didn't consumed. She was used to be happy, happy that she wants to die then doing this.

Become like Filename2 is the worst case she doesn't want to fall into. "Is Baldi also had the same fate like him? He isn't the teacher I used to know, how could he be so stress for a math equations?"

She was never thought of it, is he a victim?

A victim for struggling for the anger he had? A victim that he wants to be free just like her? To be a normal person? Her weak eyes flows with tears in her eyes. Is he good or bad? She must be the good one them he is the bad guy?

She got to the door, slowly push it to the right side of her. The teenage girl walk through the halls with her new boots she got from her mother. She was too bewildered by her mother, she thought it's normal to have a ten year old girl who suddenly become fifteen the next day.

But that's not the point, besides that…Her mind was flooded with memories in the past. Everyday to school with students chatter each other, making so much noise had become a dull colourless place with blood splatter on the lockers of the dead children.

She go back to the locker she will always never forgot. She recollects the time a bully push her to her very own locker. It was full of insults from a girl, even from some boys said her eyes are poor quality, as blind as a bat.

The girl will always sits alone at the corner of the cafeteria. With her lovely lunch by her mother, she was so kind towards her daughter although those days Samantha wants to suicide without no one knows. She was so negative at those days until a teacher helped her.

The bald head man always cares the girl with poor eyesight. He often sees the girl got bullied, sometimes glanced at her. She got counseling her to be happy like a normal child would. However, she was different from the others.

"Samantha, how are you feeling?" The happy teacher talk to her the first time, with his green emerald eyes with her full black eyes to his. Her eyes just like a skeleton's sockets that didn't know she was happy or sad. "Here this is for you…" He looked sad but happy at the same time to give her a present.

She never had any gifts from any friends because she doesn't have one. She only have him, her teacher is the only friend she had in the school house. Then other teachers likes her, comforting her when something troubles her. Baldi helped her from her depression, she was glad she had him as a best friend.

"Now we are enemies…"

She continue walked down the halls with her clicking sound produced from her red boots with the same colour as her usual dress. "I wish it's back to its original feeling. With love and kindness. I wish it's just back like I always wanted. The way I know a teacher is loveable, a kind man with a smile on his face while teaching the children."

The man wears his favorite green colour sweater with blue jeans along the way. Natural red lips on him with clothes had stained with an awful stench of blood. The eyes once crimson red become the real green eyes she admired.

Always see those eyes are good and not evil. She knows he wasn't the villain in the story. He was just a victim who wants to break free from this game. Her eyes are now baby blue eyes yet still had her poor quality eyes on her.

She can barely see but she can see the green emerald eyes are telling the truth, he is good. "I'm sorry for trying to kill you." She apologize even though it wasn't her fault. "I know you are suffering, just like me. Please forgive what I did, that is my biggest concern."

The man froze at his place, seeing the child he had friended is apologizing him with her actions is not the one to be judge. Her head lowered for shame to kill her teacher, clenching her hands to a fist as her shoulders began to shake with remorseful eyes.

"No…" He walk to her front, closer to her and said something he didn't said so long, he even don't know the words but he try to find those words will make children smile just like the old times. "You are my friend…Samantha." He still remembers her name despite his sanity is low.

He hold the girl's hands, reassures her that he won't hurt her again, he won't kill her over and over just like the first until the last time. The time has come to change ways, to be where they were. Friends until the end.

"I should be the one who apologize to you…Samantha."

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