Chapter 4

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Playtime open her eyes to see everywhere, it's all white. "Where am I?" She mumbled as she looked a silhouette in front of her. "It's you." She blink rapidly if she is not mistaken. "Filename2." She walk towards him to talk to him easily. It's him.

"What should I do?" The poor girl asked. "I'll help you just close your eyes." She closed and felt she is laying on something. It's a bed. She open her eyes, blink rapidly to see her whole area. It's her room, why she is here if she's dead?

"What's the meaning of this?" She murmured then heard a voice told her. "It's a reset." She heard it and open her mouth to ask questions. "It's you Filename2. How I could be alive?" She asked the stranger recently know him a day.

"This is a game Playtime, if you die, you will have another life. Baldi won't know you're dead. It will be just like yesterday. You must save everyone, kill Baldi and you will be free from my prison. I will also be free from this game. Save us all..."

She nodded before his last word for her today, "...Playtime." Nevertheless, she still couldn't understand of their conversation. It was complicated for her to say, she is only ten. "It's…" her eyes widened to see it's 17 of June. The same date as she got killed.

"If it makes sense…If I die in a game and I can start over means I won't die until I defeat the boss." Fileman2 was right, she need to complete the test he gave her and defeat Baldi. "Right!" She got down stairs and said the same thing to her mother.

"I'm going to school mum!" She shouted to her mother. "All right dear, take care." She waved at her then run back to the recent abandoned school. "All right, this is another day but a same day. " Even she done know how to describe the reset.

She slowly open the door to see Baldi in a distance, "Hello Paytime, it's wonderful to see you. I didn't expect you to come here, why did you do that?" He smiles creepily in the hall, eyes are crimson as the teeth have bloody liquid on them.

She obverses it all, the last time she saw him was nothing but only scary red eyes. Now has bloody teeth, she assumes he was too stress, clenching the teeth together and blood escaped from it. Or…he eat the dead bodies. That make her almost puke because the smell of the dead body is strong.

Playtime confirm is from the dead bodies he ate. "Come closer Playtime, I want a hug." She waited for a second and run to the right. "Stop there!" He runs really fast while hitting his hand using the ruler he always loves. Playtime almost out of breathe for him, she sometimes hide for a minute then continue to run.

Been 10 minutes long and still didn't caught or kill by him. She didn't afraid she dies because she can reset, "Where is he?" She thought while breathe heavily for exhaustion. "Playtime…" she heard the voice and run through the halls again.

"Wait!" Baldi run to her. As quickly as she can run but Bladi outrun her. She been caught by him. "Let me go!" She screams in the hallway. "Playtime…" she heard the voice is gentle, she looked back to see a friendly face on Baldi.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry if I hurt and scared you. It's my fault as a teacher. " He kneeled down to her level, caressing her hand for safety and comfort. Playtime cried on his shoulder, she was afraid even acted strong and fearless.

"It's okay Playtime, I'm here. You don't need to cry." She heard a stab sound near her. Her head slightly to the left to see she was the one got stabbed. Baldi used his ruler, pierce through her hole body in her.

Slowly, he take it out of her. Her eyes became lifeless, she didn't even move as she knows she is going to die. "Because you've been fall to my trap." Baldi pushed the lifeless body to the ground.

He take the chin up slightly and kissed her before he ripped it out of her using his teeth.

On top of it, he use his hand take out the organs from her heart where he pierce through. Aggressively eat the organs inside her then eat her fingers and feet. Eating until he eat the whole body, satisfying his body with eating raw human meat.

"That will keep my appetite, that was just the most delicious meal I never had before." He slowly walked to his office and be there looking at YOU…

Play time will come back…Or not?

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