Chapter 7

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"It's a trap!"

Her mind told her to back away from him, "He killed you multiple times Samantha, it's clearly shown by his action. He lied to you "its okay". Should we trust that man?!"

Her mind filled with horror events he will torture her more then before. She counted the days of resets. 50 days exclude today. 50 days she tried so hard to win the game but she will die by killing herself. Whether is the tongue, the stomach, the heart or the head.

The third day began to kill herself before she could be tortured by the maniac teacher. "Wait..." The girl hold his tracks to get closer to her. "You want to trap me right?" While stepping away from her teacher, he sigh at her doubts towards her friend.

"I am tired of you, killing yourself every resets you done. I give up you know, this is my decision to work with you now." That's the Bladi she knew. She felt enthusiast in her heart to see the man is back with a harmless ruler to kill her the third time.

"So what are we going to do? After all, we need to get out the game." Playtime's thought struck by what Filename2 said. "Kill him and the game will be over." But she decline that path, it's not the path she wanted. She doesn't want to kill her best friend.

"So we must defeat the boss, that is me right?" He smile at the teenager who is in front of the teacher. "Then kill me Samantha. It's the only choice right?" He gave his ruler to the girl with his shaky hands. "Be fast or I will change my mind..."

She looked at the ruler but throw it to the ground. "You don't want to do that? Is there another path then killing the boss?" Playtime thinks so much on planning the freedom he deserves even hers. "We can..." she paused for a brilliant idea.

"We can kill Filename2!"

The girl exclaim to herself, also letting Baldi ot hear her plan. "That error file? We can try killing him." Her eye lit up to hear he incline it. "But will it be a success Samantha? We can try. However will we win the game and get back to normal?"

The girl think through about it before she make her final decision on the plan. She looked at Baldi with a serious matter to say. "If we don't succeed then..." She walked closer towards him, take his hand because it's a tragic news. "I must kill you myself."

She let go before embrace him a warm hug for hearing something that no one likes. They wanted to be free from this timeline and get back to where they wanted to be, as friends. "It's okay if I'm dead. We can see each other after our success on killing him...or me."

He let go of her embrace then looked at the young girl and asked, "So how can we meet him?" Asked the bald teacher who just let his favorite ruler on the ground. She assumes that he didn't like the ruler for killing her all those times.

"You just follow it that's all." She got to his office and lie down on the floor with full of blood of innocent people. Felt like it's been a decade it had on it but it's only just spilled since yesterday. "Sleep on the floor? Is there any way to talk to him instead of...this..."

The lover of green hate the sight of blood, especially the smells is terrible then anything in the world. In his opinion. "It's the only way we can meet him. Sleep or we will be here forever." The teacher had no other choice, just sleep with her then go to a dream where they can find the true enemy.

"Fine. But I hate this." He lie down beside her then close his eyes. Ready the outcomes of it. "What are you doing?" The teengae girl put her hand on his while the bald head bewildered her motion towards him.

"If we do that then our minds will be connected. That's how Filename2 said before I go back to school house." She answered his question but why the error file said it can work by holding hands is a mystery that shouldn't be asked. They drifted to sleep as they end up in the same dream.

"It worked! Just like I theorize." She stand up with her strong legs because of jumping. The man heard what she said then got angry about it. "You lie to me because I won't fall for that. That's really annoying." He sigh of his irritating student by her side. "Hey, at least we got here together!" She humped after talking to him.

"So you finally came here."

The two only files had heard the error file calling to them. "So that is him..." Baldi never heard of him before, he thought that he couldn't talk at his first encounter with Filename2.

"So I assume you want to destroy the game? That's perfect. Then I will give you trials to test you that the both of you can destroy it permanently..." They let him finish his words with their minds were still don't understand. His voice is really hoarse to hear and unclarified what he was saying fully.

"Your task is if you successfully to kill me." Their eyes looked at a figure with a plain red T-shirt with realistic blue jeans. He is doing a T posing style with also realistic hair, brows and eyes. "So shall we begin?" He looked at both of them then a hand got out towards Baldi.

"Good luck." Playtime's hands are quite bloody because of his office floor. He hated it but shake it as to respect her. "You too." He let go before they looked at the file. "Very well, let us begin."

They see the enemy is standing still, didn't make any action. " Is he tricking us? He doesn't even move or anything." She thought as her mind was triggered by Baldi attacking the error file. At the mean time, she only looked at him and Filename2 while thinking of a strategy.

For now, she only observe their movements. The file just lie on the ground with his red shirt and blue jeans. Didn't see his eyes, hair and brows. The maniac teacher just panting for air and just exhausted by his big blow on the invisible body person.

"Now we can go home." Silent simply past through them before the only darkness void on their sight. The shirt and the jeans were gone. "Anytime now?" He turn to the girl with his eyes widened. "What happens to you?!"

We can see the teenage girl became a young woman around the age of twenty eight. "Not again! Especially a sudden change to a teenager to a young woman already." With a bonus her dress become longer to her knees as a young woman would wear.

"Samantha..." With his hands on his head, he collapsed on the floor, screaming like he's in pain. She runs towards her friend then looked at him. "Felt I'm going to die with this worse headache I've received just now."

He continue screaming until his throat is raw and dry. She felt horrible for him, and hug him for comfort. "It's okay, it's okay. You will be fine." Tears escaped from his eyes as his breaths are heavy for the pain.

Will he be alright...?

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