Chapter 3

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Playtime quickly go down stairs to go to school. She told her parents she will be with her friend to go to her new school together. She got the front gate of the terrifying monstrous school hoping that she will survive. She take a deep breath, holding the handle of the main entrance.

"You can do this. Just relax, I'm confident I will survive." She thought then open one of the doors and go in. The place is so dark that her spine is shivering about the atmosphere. She walk slowly in, her poor sight unseen the objects because of the dark.

She was horrified, wondering what will encounter her, especially her teacher. "Okay, I give up. This is too creepy!" She can't handle the horror it will bring to her. But she must do at least... "What?" She mumble when a sound more like a trophie fall to the ground. "He's..." "Where are you?" A whisper go through her ear. Playtime's eyes rolled to the side, her right to see crimson red bloody eyes looked at her.

She froze. Never move an inch, she felt her heart starts to beat fast, never slow down. *Bump bump* *Bump bump*. She wants to leave but HE still looked at her. Hold her shoulder really given his strength on it, her eyes escaped some tears of the pain he caused. "Child, why you still here when you already have the chance to never come back?!"

His voice is not like his normal nice teacher voice but a lower deep husky voice towards her. "Please why you did this? I just want to save my friends..." she whimpered about his action. "How will you save all of them if I killed all?" His smile is unpleasant and dread towards the poor eyesight 10 year old girl. "Ugh!" Playtime isn't dumb. She had thought all what will happen but hope it will work according to her plan.

"Wonderful." He smile his biggest and eyes shaken of her action she done. He touched his cheek where she cut him, she attend to kill him but failed this mission. "Another plan..." she thought. She run and hide to think a new strategy, she was afraid but her mission is to kill her teacher so this will bring back everything normal. "Come out, this will be your end." His eyes rolled to the left then to the right.

"Playtime it's over now, you won't win." He looked around his area, there's no shadows nor silhouettes in the halls. "She must be scared, I need to find her!" He smack his hand using a ruler until he sees…the girl. "Finally!" He approach the girl and pull her shirt. "I…" he smiled, he's about to insane because she is a distraction. It's a model looked like it's made out of cotton.

He throw the model to the floor and continue his search for Playtime. He's losing his patients, he quickly walk faster to find her in this massive school house. He heard footsteps in the halls, "It must be her!" He follow the sound of it and finally a dead end where the girl is. "You won't win!" She shouted at him.

"I will kill you slowly, torture you little one. After all you're the annoying one then all of them. Smart I could say." He stepped closer until he locked her eyes and starts to take his trusty ruler to kill her. She breathe heavily about this situation, he's right, it's the end. "Please…have mercy on me…" she starts to cry.

"No…" her eyes became an angry expression and take her jump rope. "What are you doing?" She use it to tied his neck for squeezing his throat. "Never thought your smarter then anyone in this place…fascinating.", He take his ruler and cut the rope.

"But I'm winning…" he started to stab using his ruler through her heart. "Ah!" She scream for the pain, she groaned and breathe faster. She never thought this is come to the end. "Goodbye. Better if you don't come back." She's asleep and didn't wake up. Her body is at the floor while Baldi go back to his office.

"What happened to Playtime?"

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