Chapter 11

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It was really clarity in my eyes. The day our first anniversary was ruined. After my work, I remember it's our anniversary yet I felt something inside me that didn't awaken me for so long.

Hatred, fear, sadness, anger...

All those feelings were go away by her. Samantha. She was the only one she gives me.

Happiness, peace, joy and love...

A lot she gives me, the passion towards her with love and kindness was ended by her death. Her death was painful inside me, I never felt these feelings in me because it was crushed.

Even another woman would never made me feel the way she done it. We were so happy at that period of time, for seven years. Seven years we know each other, but I won't regret every second of it.

How she died you might asked? Well she died was because I was the one who killed her by my murderous hands. So much blood on my hands as my sanity became low. Emerald green eyes becomes crimson red.

I was the one killed her by my abusive action to her. What did she done to me? No she didn't do make me have anger towards her. It was wanted to go back that feeling of pleasure to kill people.

The feeling of my enemies die are beautiful in my eyes and now killed my only lover was a regretful path I had chose. At that morning I cried for her lifeless body, even didn't go to work. Those painful days were greatly hit my head with depression and anxiety.

My life was nothing. I should have killed myself, I should not exist in this world. If I'm not here, Samantha will be alive with another better man then me. With children that is really beautiful just like their mother.

That anniversary day where I placed her in bed with her blood flow down and her heart was stabbed twenty five times just like the date of our wedding anniversary. 25th of August.

I was in low sanity and couldn't remember why I did this to my wife. I'm a monster, I don't deserve a woman like her.

I took her at the garden we had, dug a rectangular shape and put her gently in the soil and buried my lovely wife. I will never see her but the memories will always remain in my heart.

It was in the morning on 26th of August but don't worry about the neighbours. The neighborhood is quiet and rarely go out from the house until ten o'clock. I placed some colourful bright flowers on the spot where she buried.

But I felt it's still empty in my heart, I felt her death is unfulfilled. I should...I should go to the police station. Go there confess all what I've done to my wife. Got in to my vehicle, started the engine and go to where I must be punished.

After thirty minutes of driving, I got out the car and go to the counter where their is a police officer sat relax at the counter. He notice me and tells me what's wrong. So I told everything that the officers question to me.

They said they have pity on me but it's a crime to do this. Then again I was abused so I became an abuser. "We will let you be in jail for two years then you are free to get out of it."

They took me to a cellar where is empty. It was cold and dark in the night. Just like the heart I had in me, an abuser, killer heart.

Everything felt familiar when the time my biological father would beat me till I bleed from any body parts. It was just like this feeling of dark. And the mother I used to love and thought would protect me but she likes having sex with men even me...

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