Chapter 5

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She wake up at the same bed, the same room, the same time. This is the third time. "How I'm going to defeat him, Filename2?" Asked Playtime while playing her jump rope. Skipping in the room before he answer to her.

"You can handle it." She stop jumping and eyes were in shock. "What did you say?! I'm only ten years old to defeat a maniac who roams around the creepy school house!" She let all her strength to speak up loudly.

"Well, plan something. I know you are smarter then the others, even the antagonist complimented you very accurate." He said yet playtime deny he is right. "You're wrong right?!" She said but he was gone. "Great..." she sit on a chair while her hands on the desk.

"What should I do? It's impossible to kill that teacher, especially he is not human anymore." She thinks for hours until the sun rises. She sleeps peacefully on the table before the alarm clock wake her up.

It rings through her ears making her groan. She wants to sleep, a normal school, a normal life. But every time she reject to go out she felt it is the right thing to do. Maybe her determination is stronger then she thought.

She won't give up until she can see her friends again, the principal, Arts and Crafts. She missed them. Even thought they hurt her but she will be free from the chains from the horrifying teacher she disgusted.

She get up from her desk and stop the alarm clock ringing around the room. "Another day of 'school'." She change her clothes, brush her teeth and headed to the kitchen to eat breakfast.
"Mum, thank you for the dinner you made." Said Playtime and the mother smiles. "Your welcome sweetheart! Now eat or you will never focus on school." Said the mother. Playtime felt sad a little made the mother concern for her daughter.

"What's wrong Samantha?" She looked at her daughter, holding her tears not to let it out. "I missed Daddy..." Her eyes watery but tears didn't escape from her. "Today your father will go to Italy, but I didn't know you will missed him honey."

The mother embraced a hug to her only sweet daughter who had poor eye sight. "I'm sorry he must overseas often." Playtime nodded and let her mother go. "It's okay, I understand." She smiled to her mother.

"All right, go to school or you will be late." Her mother planted a kiss on the forehead, Playtime loves her mother very much. "Goodbye mum!" She walk to the place where she needs to defeat the boss.

"It's time."

Playtime reached her destination, she straight away go in the school. But her mind is bother by why she go to the same day but still the events changes. "This doesn't make sense. Is it me? Made the events different?" She thought.

For now didn't see the teacher. She walked everywhere but no sight of him. "Where is he?" Murmured Playtime. But still she didn't let her guard down. He will jump out any second. "Got you!" She got devastated by his sudden move. He gripped her hand tight that blood came out of her hand.

"I won't fool the next time you Intelligent rat!" He throw the little girl to the wall. "What do you mean?" She asked, getting attached her back on the wall. "We are in the same time over and over again. And you are the one who is doing it." Her eyes widened, speechless of what he said.

"I'm not wrong, we are in a game…" She can't believe he knows it. "How could this be?! He should have not known these things. Or he remerbers?" "I felt suspicious around me. After taking you down I know there is something going on."

"After killing you. A few minutes later, I'm at the hallway. I was in my office solving the questions the child solved but ran away with wrong answers. I redo it until I got to the halls, I thought it's normal but again with the same fate. After you die, I will send back."

"But Filename2 said no one will know." She looked at the bald man with his bloody ruler. "Now I don't want to kill you right away. After all, it will automatically reset. We will be here forever and ever, as long as you are still alive."

Baldi dragged the little girl to his office. She didn't let herself free or other things, she got a plan. "What's wrong? Don't you want me to kill you then reset again? This time I won't let you."

"What are you looking at me like that?! Stop it!" He demand as he sees the girl is looking sad or 'lifeless'. "If you don't want to see me, goodbye then." After saying this, she chopped her tongue with her small teeth.

Eyes were widened, blood flow smoothly out from her mouth. "Damn it!" He cursed under his lips as to see he got back to his office chair just like before. "Why my memories are not wipe out from the reset. Usually people will never have this memory yet I'm still here."

His head was so dizzy at those theories of his. Making the man wants to sleep. "This is a mystery…" He finally fell asleep at his desk. "There must be a way to kill her…"

Meanwhile Playtime just devastated by his words. She could not take those words will scared out of her. She realizes face became pale, looking at her reflection at the mirror. "He said…But the teacher knew my power to do this. How?!"

She holds the sink tight as hands shaking uncontrollable. She was afraid this will be over and over again. She loses count on what day is it but she knows, she had a limited time.

Felt like she is age up. "I felt like I'm older then before." She also noticed she got period recently. "It's not logic. How I could age up if I'm in the same day, same month and same year?!" She looked at her face with worries, stresses and shocking events today.

She sigh and said these words out from her lips.

"When will I be free from this chains of eternal loops?"

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