Chapter 10

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Again, graduated at university. It's time for him to be a teacher and he become a well known teacher at a primary school. "Teacher!" A student raised his hand. "Yes, what is it Alex?" He would gladly like to answer their questions and help them educate well.

"Why is twelve divide five equals to two point four?" The child asked as the answers is at the board and he got it wrong. But that time he didn't hit children with his ruler…yet. He explains the child about it and he thanked him.

The school bell rings as the children chatter around the class and happily go to their parents. "Their parents are really nice…I wish my biological parents are like that…" He looked at the time, one thirty in the afternoon.

"Time to mark the workbooks." He got to his office and mark it all in one day. It was impossible to mark thirty nine children's workbook with five pages needed to mark. With energy he had, he could do it all in the afternoon.

Even the teachers were amazed like not then a decade experience teacher would do it in one day. They could but until night time. "I need to go home." He put his pen on the drawer and leave the office before close the doors and the lights.

After drove twenty minutes, he reach to his house. He opens the door to see his wife is cooking in the kitchen. "Welcome home Honey." She greeted him with a warm smile before he wraps his left arm on her waist and kisses her on the forehead.

"Thank you darling." She giggles then continues her routine. "You take a shower first Charles, you need rest." She suggested but he felt he wants to take a shower with her. Well since they are married and felt like he wants a child.

After their first kiss, it was magical. Although Samantha didn't remember but at least she felt well in the next morning. They started dated until when it was the time, Charles proposed to her when they were twenty seven.

Now it's been a year of their marriage. And they felt really great to have each other's company and love. Even hard times comes, they comfort each other. "Twenty fifth of August. It's our anniversary. I need to do something special to her, only a week left."

Charles panicked at the bathroom and think about her present while the hot water hits his bare skin and it felt calm himself and help him think straight. After taking a bath for eight minutes, he got out with his towel and head to their room.

Change to his usual green T-shirt and black long pants. He got to the dinning room where the wife is. "Let's eat Honey." They sit beside each other and eat their lovely dinner. "It's really good you cook." He compliment and gave her a sheepishly smile.

"Thank you." They continue their conversation until they finishes their dinner.

Time Skip…

It was their anniversary, and Charles is still unsure to give something for  her present. "Maybe a necklace, a pair of earrings or something that she likes, a novel! Yeah she likes Harry Potter." He still crazy about the gift and go buy it after he done to mark all the workbooks.

After twenty minutes had drove to his house, he bought something special for her if she will love it. "I hope she would like it." He go to his house to see the dinner had set really beautifully on the table.

It had a vase full of roses and candles lighted between the vase of roses. Dinner is also really looked special then usual. "How I'm going to give her this present if she cooked really a special dinner like she cooked a roasted chicken for us."

He heard footsteps coming from the stairs to reveal she wear a red dress that it's skirt reached to her knees. Which also can see her cleavage by her low cut garment of the dress design made the man sweat for that hot atmosphere.

With addition of earrings and her hair neatly down to her back. Wearing black heels and makeup for more beautiful features.

"You looked stunning…" He blurted out from his lips and felt embarrassed of his sudden words to her. She chuckled before she took him to the dining table. She just notice a white paper bag on his hands. She took it and put it on a nearby table.

"Let's eat Charles." They begin their dinner with silence until Charles cut the silence by coughing then speak to her. "I bought you a give Samantha. I hope you will like it." She beams a smile to him with happiness. "I will like the present you give Honey."

After dinner, she open her present to surprised her by touching a hard cover book. She took it out and examine the book. "The Phantom of The Opera?! It's really my most favorite story I like. Even thought I know it through musical yet I love it Charles. Thank you."

She kissed him on the cheek before she go upstairs. "I want to give you something. It's in our bedroom." He heard his wife said and go to their bedroom. The room is close so he open the door to examine the place.

He sees his wife is at the bed, admiring his looks. "So what is this gift you want to give?" He was curious to think about the present. She got to his front and placed her hands on his shoulders.

"This." She kissed his lips as Charles puts his hands on her waist to make them closer to where their chest are together. She leaned towards the wall as he started kissing her neck, nipping her sensitive spot. "My wish is to have a child, how did you know that?" He asked between breaths and kisses.

"I'm your wife after all. Even I want a child from you." He brings her to their bed and he began kisses her shoulder while also took off her dress. As they continue their sexual intercorse until midnight, they were tired and sleep with their bodies really sweaty.

Samantha placed her head on his chest to hear his heart beat fasten. He could feel her bare skin with his as his body felt shivers by her touch. Why you must be amazing Samantha? I never meet someone like you, you are the only woman I love." He plant a kiss on her lips before he close his eyes.

"You need sleep, it's getting late now." She make herself comfortable before sleep in his arms. "I love you." He whispers before she replied. "I love you too." They sleep until six o'clock in the morning.

Charles is the first one who stretch his arms and see his wife on the bed. "Good mor-" He felt something wet on the bed. He assumes is from their body when they feel good. He tastes the liquid, eyes were widened as he taste something metal.

He felt fear in his heart as to what happened here. "It could be I was too rough at her so her vagina is bleeding." "Darling, are you okay?" He shake her but the body go face to the ceiling to see her exposed chest had stabbed by a knife twenty five times.

He was devastated and moans for his wife. "How she is dead if I'm here beside her." Then he recollects everything he remembers from yesterday. "I can't believe it…" He covers his mouth as he can't stand that memory repeat on his head like a video.

What really happened in their anniversary…

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