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Bayard watches as the red headed princess and his son walk around the courtyard. The king is accompanied by his queen. She weaves her fingers with his.

"I don't think our son has been this happy since Caroline," she smiles.

"Maybe this could be a good thing," the king contemplates.

"Bayard," his wife hisses. 

"Consider it. He would be with someone who clearly makes him smile while strengthen the alliance."

"We are not using our son's happiness as an excuse for diplomacy. And that's final."

The aging king chuckles.

"Sometimes I wander why I married such a strong headed woman."

"Because I keep you on your toes."

Just then, the king sees a person riding in on a horse. He says something to the princess and one of the knights that escorted her. She straightens up at the sound of the news, almost as if she is ready to fight. Her main knight hurries off. Not too long, the knight is going off on a horse. Niklaus and Ava hurry towards the castle. Bayard quickly goes to intercept them with his wife sticking by his side. The four meet in one of the hallways entering the castle.

"Camelot is under attack," the prince informs his father.

"Then the best place is for Lady Ava to stay here."

"I must go and help my kingdom."

"I understand that, trust me. But if all of your family dies, who would lead the survivors."

The red head looks at the ground as she listens to the king. Is this how she shows she agrees or just being polite? Her habits very much differ from others here. The maiden looks at the king.

"As you wish," she says. "But please allow me to leave once we receive word it is safe."

"Of course."

With that, the young royals leave. He may have seemed like he's holding her against her will, but it is for her safety. Camelot is now his ally and he can't let another person try to take advantage of the kingdom if the royal family falls. Plus there is what happened to Ava's home. Though he didn't officially order their deaths, he might as well. He let a general have control over the final decisions. Now this girl will forever be haunted by that decision. So if protecting her and the alliance is just a small bit of making it up, then he might as well.

His wife grabs his hand and she directs him to where the meeting is suppose to be. Hopefully some of the old fools won't try to be to brash on their decisions. Especially about the refugees they are most likely going to receive from their ally. If Mercia can afford it, they should be allowed safety.


Leon hurries towards Mercia. The Great Dragon has been driven off. Somehow the terrible beast had been released. The knights managed to keep the city safe, though there is a chance that it will return. Nevertheless, the king wants his daughter to return home. So Leon obviously volunteered to make sure she is safe. Arthur had vouched for him.

The horse comes to a stop once he arrives at the gate of Mercia. The guards let him through once they see the colors he's under. He goes straight to the courtyard, trying to avoid trampling the citizens. When he arrives at the castle, he sees Ava and Prince Niklaus walking out. Ava rushes over to meet the knight.

"Is everyone okay?" she asks as he gets off the horse.

"Your family is fine," he promises. "Your father wishes for you to come home."

Ava looks over at Niklaus, who nods his head. What happened in the past couple weeks between the two of them? Ava quickly goes to get her stuff.

"We should probably inform my father the news," he states. Leon agrees and hands the reigns to a servant. They go inside the castle to find Bayard leaving a meeting.

"Father," Niklaus calls, pulling the king's attention. "Sir Leon just claimed Uther wants his daughter return home."

"This should be allowed if she will be safe."

"Of course my lord."

The two younger men bow and go to find the princess. Leon and Niklaus move through the hallway in a slower pace than a moment ago. The two men keep some distance and the tension is thick. The prince stops the knight at one point.

"If Ava is hurt in anyway," Niklaus threatens, "I will hold you personally responsible."

"Trust me, I would never let anyone hurt her."

The royal stares him down for a second before continuing to the courtyard. Ava is already there on her horse. A servant brings Leon his and the other knights that had accompanied them prepare theirs. While he gets on his horse, Niklaus goes to talk to the red head. She nods her head at whatever he is saying. The prince hands her something before Leon rides over to her. She says goodbye to Niklaus before riding off with all the knights. Seems she is ready to return to Camelot, even if it seems she made a friend here. 

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