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Ava looks around the stalls in hopes of finding something decent. It is Morgana's birthday tomorrow and she needs to find a gift. Even if she doesn't trust her, she still has to keep up appearances. She stops at one vendor containing various fabrics and jewelry. She picks up a few hair pieces, looking at them. This should work. She pays the merchant for them and an ornate box. This should be harmless. 

Heading back to the castle, she sees Merlin and Arthur returning to report to the king. The red head hurries back to the castle, hoping to get there fast enough. She gives a servant instructions to take her basket and cloak straight to her chambers before she goes to the throne room. 

Everyone is already there somehow. She tries to sneak to her seat, but everyone notices. She looks at Leon, nodding her head. He returns the gesture before finishing out his report. Arthur steps forward and begins his.

"We have noticed a ban of bandits gathering by the Valley of the Fallen Kings," he informs his father. "Merlin and I were lucky enough to escape."

Ava looks at her brother, than his servant. The dark hair sorcerer seems troubled by something, but she knows he won't say something. Not since they have been awkward around each other since they kissed. She really needs to stop doing that. They established were they stand  and kissing each other won't help. 

Soon Uther draws the conclusion of ambushing the bandits in hopes of capturing them. The council is dismissed and everyone quickly leaves. Ava takes this opportunity to try and figure out what is upsetting Merlin. She pulls him into an alcove, placing her hands on her hips.

"What happened?" she demands.


"You suck at lying at times. I can't help if you don't tell me."

"Arthur almost died."


"And nothing else. Just worried for him."

She stares him in the eyes, daring him to continue that lie. That is until Leon walks over.

"Lady Ava," he says, "you are expected to work on your fighting skills in a few minutes."

"Right," she puts on a false smile. "Let's go."

"In that?"

"Why? Afraid I can beat you in a dress as well?"

"Of course not."

She looks at Merlin once more before following Leon to the training field. Sometimes she wishes he wasn't so stubborn.


Ava attempts to clip her blue dress shut in the back, miserably failing. Why is it so hard to button these things? She finally gets it and mentally celebrates. Putting on a pair of heels and grabbing the box, she hurries to the feast hall. Her red curls are just down since she didn't call Gwen for help or felt like dealing with them. 

And as soon as she arrives to the dining hall, she sees everyone is extremely done up. Like Arthur has his cape and crown on. Typically they are a little more laid back. Must have something to do with Morgana missing for a year. She takes her seat and puts on a smile.

"Happy birthday, Morgana," she says as she hands her the box. The dark hair maiden opens it to see the hair pieces.

"Thank you."

She gets two more boxes. The first from Uther, which contains a necklace. The second had an ornate dagger in it. How it the boy so oblivious how dangerous this woman already is? She does not need another weapon. But Ava just bites her tongue and smile. She does notice the frightened look Merlin has when Morgana unsheathes the dagger to examine it. So that means there is an importance to her having that particular weapon. Everyone else is beyond joyful, excited to be celebrating the Lady's birthday. Arthur leans over to talk to his sister.

"You good?" he asks.

"Yeah. Just tired."

"Nightmares returned?"

"No. Just not sleeping."

That is such a lie. She has had nightmares for the past couple weeks. Various deaths in various ways. No that she thinks about it, she did have one of Morgana stabbing Uther with a dagger similar to the one in her hands. But she never had premonitions before, so why now? Maybe it isn't. Maybe it is purely a coincidence. 

She tries to distract her mind by looking around. One thing that catches her attention is how Arthur and Gwen glance at each other. Oh how Ava wishes for it to work out for the two of them. They make each other happy and willing to give their lives for each other. 

Soon the feast is over and she heads straight to her chamber. She quickly changes into a nightgown and curl under her covers. The warmth is comforting and her eyes start to grow heavy. Just as she is about to fall asleep, she hears a scream. She quickly leaps out from under the covers and out her door. She sees Morgana laying on the ground with her head busted open. Gwen, Arthur, and a few guards rush over.

"We need to get her to Gaius," Ava orders. "Arthur, help me carry her. Gwen get the doors. Rest, give her the space needed."

The group does as she ordered and they take her to the healer. Gaius and Merlin go straight to work trying to heal her. Merlin and Ava lock eyes for a second while Arthur orders an investigation to take place. 

"Will she be okay?" Ava asks.

"I don't know," Gaius informs her. "I can heal her skin. But her skull, I can't promise anything"

Her mind whirls in confusion. She should be happy that this means the woman can't cause trouble, but in this form, she sees the girl she grew up with. The girl she knew as a kid, laying on the physician's table, dying.

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