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Ava sits in her seat. Court is in process as the king listens to the various issues. Arthur rushes in, carrying a torn red fabric. On it is the Pendragon Crest. 

"What happened?" Uther asks in shock. 

"A patrol was attacked," Arthur states. "All were killed."

"Are you sure?" 

"Cenred's messenger just left. All are dead."

Ava's heart starts to pick up. She keeps praying it has nothing to do with Leon's group. It could be another group completely.

"And the knights?"

"All dead. Edric, Osric, Oldof, and Leon."

Her heart drops so quickly. Tears start to form in her eyes. She couldn't have just lost her friend. He promised he would be safe and now she will never see him. Her eyes wander over to Merlin in need of some support. He looks almost as shocked as her.

"Excuse me," she tells her father before leaving the hall. She hurries down the hall, tears starting to run down her cheeks. She hears her name get called repeatedly. She flings her head, choking back a sob before turning. Merlin is running over to her. He pulls her into an alcove before wrapping his arms around her, letting her cry.

"I know you two were close," he mutters in her ear as she sobs into his shirt. She lays her forehead on his chest, staring at their feet. Tears keep pouring out from her eyes.

"We are at war," she mutters. "I should have known that this could happen."

The sorcerer pulls away to look at her.

"Don't say that," he tells her. "You should never have to think like that. You have every right to cry over loosing a friend."

She nods her head, starting to cry more. He pulls her close to comfort her. The two stand there for a bit. The entire castle will feel this lost. It will not be the same without Leon. Arthur calls Merlin away. Ava can hear her brother attempting to mess with Merlin about his shirt being soaked, but can't. The red head looks around until she sees Morgana walking by herself. She makes a brash decision she probably should never do. She goes over the maiden.

"This is your fault," she snaps. No one was around, so Morgana doesn't deny it. "You had to betray the patrol, didn't you?"

"I didn't know Leon would have been killed," the dark hair maiden admits. "But casualties must happen in order to ensure we will be free to be who we want to be."

Ava looks at her in disgust before turning to leave. She goes straight to her chambers, picking up an empty vase. Her sudden rage helps send the projectile across the room. The glass hits the stone wall, shattering. She sinks to the ground, crying once more. She would trade anything to see Leon once more. Eventually she cries herself to sleep. Dreams flood her mind.

The blood around her. The corpse of all her friends and family lay around her. The blood on her hands won't come off. All their lifeless eyes stare directly into her soul. She tries to scream but can't. Morgana walks by with black fabric around her. A smile drawn on her face.

A gentle nudge draw her out of sleep. She groggily looks around to see she is in her bed. Someone must have moved her there. Standing beside her bed is Leon. It was one of the rare occasions he is not in armor. Once she realizes she is actually awake, she punches him in the arm.

"What was that for?" he laughs, rubbing the now sore spot on his arm.

"You got yourself killed. Or I guess you didn't since you are alive in front of me. You arse."

"The Druids saved me. I almost was dead."

She hugs her friend in relief and he willingly hugs her back. She quickly leaps out of her bed.

"We need to inform Father."

"I already have. Everyone figured you needed rest do to shock. Gaius' direct orders."

"But you woke me up either way."

"Because if anyone else told you, you would maim me yourself."

"That is true," she laughs. He gets up, stretching.

"I need to get rest. Being killed and brought back to life does wear one out."

He wishes her night before leaving.


Ava grabs her sword before rushing out of the chambers. She just found out about a raid happening. The knights and guards are trying to barricade the city. Forces keeping on trying to get in. She meets Leon on the battlefield. They look at each other, nodding their heads. Arthur is not there, leaving the princess to lead the forces. Taking a deep breath, she raises her sword above her head. No backing down.

"For Camelot," she screams. The army echos behind her. The enemy force breaks in. She goes straight into battle. No matter how much she fights though, it won't matter. They won't die or even get cut by her blade. But her men can still be killed.


She is being dragged into the throne room. The immortal warriors managed to capture the kingdom. Morgause is standing by the throne, smirking. Uther is dragged in as well. 

"You won't be needing this," the blonde sorceress states, taking his crown.

"You have no lawful claim," he snaps. Morgana walks around, smirking.

"But I do. Oh Father, don't be shocked. I have known for awhile." She looks at Ava, lifting her sister's chin slightly. "Will you join us, Sister?"

"I will not betray Father," the red head spats. "Nor my kingdom."

Morgana lets out a sigh motioning for a servant to come forward. He is holding a small vile with a dark purple liquid in it.

"Now there is the issue," she states. "You in this state can challenge my right to the throne, but I also don't want to kill you. Though the mind is a worse punishment."

She forces Ava's mouth open before pouring the contents in. She plugs her nose and jams the princess' mouth shut, forcing her to swallow the potion. Morgana lets go of her, so do the guards loyal to the witch. The red head falls to the ground, her eyes shut and barely breathing. Morgana smirks before having herself crowned Queen of Camelot. Little did she know that Arthur and Merlin had watched the entire thing unfold in a hidden spot on the back wall.

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