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Ava sits on the stool, sharpening one of the swords. Arthur has been dealing with the political aspect while Ava is in charge of the knights for the time being. They have to prepare for the worse, which is coming. People have already seen Cenred's army moving. Many of the outer villages have been moving in. Based off of the speed the forces have been moving, they'll be here before noon tomorrow. There is also the fact Merlin is missing. So that eliminates a decent bit of magic for a bit of time. Leaving what little she can do and the men's will power. Hopefully that will be enough. Leon walks over, switching out swords with her. He hands her the one she prefers the most.

"You should go get in armor," he states. She agrees, going up to her chambers. Her chain mail is already out. She switches from her dress to black pants and white top. Putting on the protective metal, she pulls her hair up and on a pair of boots. She hears the bells ringing. The army is here faster than she expected. Hurrying out of her room and down the hall, she goes to meet with the others. Arthur is already there, trying to rally the spirit of the men. He looks at her once he is done. The prince definitely has a way with words when it comes to speeches. These are the moments she sees him most like a king. He walks over to her.

"We will win this," she promises.

"I don't know what we would do if we don't."

"Every person will lay their life down for Camelot. This is their home as well."

He nods his head. The army heads to prepare for the attack. Ava and Arthur draw their swords at the same time, ready. Soon enemies start flooding the outer part of the town. Gates to the inner are closed while the knights go to defend their home. The young princess swings her sword, slashing through the enemies. She weaves in and out with a form of grace. Dodging blows and attacks, trying to avoid being hurt while cutting down the opposing force.

Though Camelot's forces are smaller, they have an upper hand. They seem to move with more technique than opposing side. Maybe they can win this. This sliver of hope falters when Ava spots a horde of skeletons moving out of the castle walls. They go straight for the warriors in red. No matter how much the knights stab them, nothing happens. The dead keep fighting. Magic.

"We have a traitor," someone shouts. This causes more stirring among the men. In the distraction, a soldier manages to cut Ava's arm. The sting brings her back to the moment and she cuts him down.

"Hold your forces," Arthur orders. Ava smacks one of the heads off and it falls.

"Aim for the heads," she orders. It may not fully kill the creatures, but it would buy enough time. With attacks from both sides, the kingdom's forces are struggling to keep up. After so long, those who remain standing are easily wearing down. But they can't loose their home. No one wants to give in to Cenred. Soon the undead collapses and dissolves. Not even a minute later, Cenred's men are pushed out of the city. The opposing army takes off in great speed. Arthur holds up his sword. Everyone lifts theirs and yelps in victory. People rush around, grabbing injured men to bring them to Gaius. Merlin rushes out towards Ava, tearing his shirt when he sees her arm bleeding.

"The traitor was Morgana," he whispers. "I know it's difficult to believe-"


"But I saw her control the skeletons."

She looks him in the eye, trying to see any sign of him lying. Deep down though, she knows he wouldn't say something like that unless it wasn't true.

"We need proof."

"I know, but I want you to be weary of her."

Once he finishes tying the bandage, he bows and leaves.


Everyone sits at the various tables. The golden sunlight filtering through the windows illuminates the entire hall. Uther is once again on his throne. Arthur keeps messing with Ava about the cut on her arm. Claiming she can't fully watch her back. Uther stands up, ready to announce something.

"Camelot has faced enough this past couple days. We have my son and daughter to thank for the safety. We also have another to thank for finding the traitor. Morgana."

The maiden smiles. While the king continues to talk, Ava looks at Merlin. This is going to be a tough battle.

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