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Ava watches as the royal court enter the throne room. Arthur had been sitting in there all night, waiting for his quest to be assigned to him. By the laws of Camelot, the next king is required to take a quest present to him via vision. The task must be taken alone.

Uther looks disappointingly at Merlin, who had fallen asleep waiting for Arthur to leave. Once the men were inside, Ava rushes over to the door, catching it just before it clicks shut. She peaks in and Merlin looks over her head.

"Have you chosen your task?" the king requests.

"I have Father. Only one kept coming to me. The Golden Trident of the Fisher King."

"Very well. Prepare to leave. And remember, you must go alone."

Just as the court turns to the door, Merlin pulls Ava away from the door. He pushes her in the corner, blocking her from view. There is a chance that the men of the court may not appreciate her being there. Good thing Merlin is quick thinking at times. The king doesn't even look in that direction. Once they are all gone, Ava steps out from her hiding spot. Arthur exits the room, looking at the two. He is dressed in complete white, wool outfit. 

"The Fisher King's Golden Trident?" Ava questions. "You realize how dangerous this is, right?"

"I do. And I have to do this alone."

"But Arthur-"

He looks at her and she stops. He looks at Merlin.

"I assume all of my stuff is ready, so I will be leaving later. Make sure she doesn't follow me." He prepares to go, but he stops and looks at his servant. "And you are not to follow either."

The two act like they agree to this. Once the prince is gone, they look at each other.

"So we're going after him?"

"I am. You are not."

"What do you mean?"

"Your father would notice if you are missing. Not some lowly servant."

She hates to admit it, but he is right. If she is gone around the same time as Arthur is on his quest, there is a risk to his crown. She agrees with him before going to where she is expected for the day. 

Her feet drags her to the sewing room on the opposite side of the castle. She is expected to be preparing for her wedding within the next year. Entering the room, there are various looms, spinning wheels, and sewing stations. 

There are older and younger women bustling about, doing their jobs. Fabrics of various colors and styles fill the tables with sketches of clothing. The room is flooded with light from the various windows. The head of the women steps forward. She is an older, portly woman with a bright smile.

"How may I help you, Princess?" she asks.

"I came to discuss the-"

"Dress for your wedding?"

"Yes ma'am."

She motions for her to wait a second before sorting through the loose papers. She pulls out a simple design for a dress. Meant to be tighter up top and more flowing at the bottom. The sleeves drape low and a band around the waist.

"This is perfect," Ava smiles at her. "I assume you have thought of fabrics."

"Of course. I want to stick to use of white and gold. But the dress is easier for you to move in."

"Thank you." 

The woman insists on taking measurements so she can begin making the dress. Ava stands in one spot, arms out, so she can be measured. Surely she hasn't changed too much in size since coming to Camelot. She tries to stay the same size. 

Her arms starts to get worn out, holding them up continuously. It is easier when she is moving when holding a sword. Maybe this should be involved in the training of knights. Eventually she is allowed to go. The princess heads to her room to grab something. She hurries to find her brother preparing to leave. 

"Take this," she says, handing him her dagger. His eyes widen at the sight of it.

"I can't-"

"You can and you will. I can't go to keep your arse out of trouble, so this should help."

He thanks her, attaching it to his belt on the opposing side of his sword. Morgana rushes over, giving Arthur a bracelet. Saying goodbye, acting like she truly cares about the prince's safety. Ava gets a good look at the bracelet before he leaves.


Merlin had left the moment he learned of the bracelet. The stone is apparently the Eye of the Phoenix. It weakens the wearer. Which could be peril for a person going on a dangerous quest. Ava is currently rereading the page once again. Maybe there is a chance she missed something. Someone knocks on the door. Gaius opens it to see a distressed Gwen. 

"I'm sorry," she cries. "But I didn't know who to go to."

Gaius lets her in.

"What happened?" Ava asks.

"Morgana. I saw her doing something that looked like magic. Specifically with a doll that resembles Arthur. I think she has bad intentions."

Ava looks at the older physician.

"We know," she tells the maid. "We think she has been behind several events that have happened."

The girl looks in horror.

"Why would she do this?"

"I don't know," Ava lies. She comforts her, unsure what to say. The girl knew Morgana for along time, almost as long as Ava knew her. It would be a shock to find out. Especially if she is a threat to the person you love. Once Gwen calms down, she looks at the red head.

"What can we do?" she asks.

"For now, don't let her know that you know. The more we have secretly on our side, the better."

Gwen agrees, knowing that this important. Soon the girls leave to go back to the castle. If they keep her distracted, they can keep her from preforming magic. As long as she doesn't get too aggressive and curses them too. 

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